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Test date: 2016/11

Modern buildings

Agree/ Disagree
Languages and Cultures

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic.

Modern buildings change the character and appearance of towns and cities. The government should insist that new buildings be built in traditional styles to protect cultural identity.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Model Essay

Every country, every group of people has a unique culture which people often feel a strong need to protect, to prevent it from changing or being damaged. However, that seems to be a very boring idea of culture; culture is not like an endangered animal we need to keep in zoos, but rather like a wild animal that we cannot control.

Culture is not dead but something alive and changing, and as we move forward and as our culture changes, it is also good to look back to see where we have come from, and it would be good if all society, not just the government, took an interest in preserving parts of our history and culture. But does preserving mean we should stop doing new things? No, it does not; new culture, new ways of doing things are important to have in a society. New buildings should not be built in the old styles, but built using new designs to match the new technology, new functions and new locations of buildings. What type of Vietnamese traditional style should be used to build a stadium that can seat 40,000 people? Good architecture is a product of thinking about the function, the location and the technology available.

We also need to question whether the things that were done in the past are the best that we can do. Why were the buildings in the past seen as the best examples of Vietnamese ideas, design and architecture? Why do we have to stop our own creativity while the creativity of past builders is to be boringly followed? It sounds like a way to kill culture, to kill ideas, to kill the talent of new people working in a new time.

Of course it is good to keep some things from the past, to protect some buildings, to remember our history, but not at the expense of our future. (316 words)

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