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پیش بینی سوالات اسپیکینگ

September - December 2024

توجه داشته باشید که سوالات و موضوعات اسپیکینگ در اولین ماه هر دوره پیش بینی سوالات (ژانویه، می،سپتامبر) دستخوش تغییرات میشود، و ممکن است سوالات و موضوعاتی اضافه و کم شوند. این تغییرات به مرور تا اواسط ماه بعد پیش بینی سوالات رفته رفته کم تر می شوند و پیش بینی ها دقیق تر میشوند. لذا توصیه می کنم به طور مداوم و منظم با سایت در تماس باشید تا در جریان آخرین تغییرات قرار بگیرید و در روز آزمون با سوال نا آشنا روبرو نشوید.

Apps And Social Media Part 1
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 17, 2024


  • Do you have many apps on your phone?
  • Which do you prefer (to use), an information app or a chat app?
  •  (Similar to above) Do you often use apps on your phone or computer?
  • What kind of apps do you use the most?
  • Do you like to chat with your classmates online?
  • Do you think computer and mobile phone apps are helpful (or, useful)?
  • What are some popular apps in your country?
  • Are there any apps that you would like to have in the future?
  • Would you like to create (your own) a mobile phone app one day?

Social Media

  • When did you start using social media?
  • Do you or your friends like using using social media?
  • Do you think you or your friends use too much social media?
  • Do you like to work in social media?
  • Do you think you spend too much time on social media? 
  • What’s the most popular social media in your country?
  • Do your friends use social media?
  • What do people often do on social media?

Social Media Websites

  • Which do you prefer (to use), an information app or a chat app?
  • Do you (often) use social media websites?
  • When did you first use one of these websites?
  • (Possibly the question above is this) How did you first find out about social media websites?
  • Is social media (or, are social media websites) very popular in your country?
  • Do you think social media will become more popular in the future?
  • In the future, do you think you will use social media more than you do now, or less?
  • Do you feel social media is more a positive thing, or more negative thing?
  • (Similar to above) What do you think are the advantages and the disadvantages of (using) social media websites?
  • Do you like to use Facebook?

Some useful vocabulary:

  • to maintain contact with friends / to keep in contact with friends / to communicate quickly with others
  • to broaden one’s range of social contacts / to broaden one’s social network (either in real-life or one’s “virtual” [= online] social network)
  • face-to-face communication
  • a substitute for real (real-life) relationships with others
  • better than feeling alone; to help overcome loneliness / to help overcome of sense of isolation
  • a sense of connectedness (to others/to the world)
  • sharing photographs
  • voice/ text messages
  • sending/receiving computer files
  • an avenue for expressing opinions / for exchanging information
  • to bring an issue to the attention of a wide audience
  • to spread the word
  • a marketing tool
  • If or when you name a particular social media platform, slow down a little and pronounce it especially clearly.

Bicycles Part 1
Valid Until: May 1, 2025Last Update: september 22, 2024

New Questions :

  1. Did you have a bike when you were young?
  2. Did you ride a bike when you were a child?
  3. Do you have a bike now?
  4. Do you often ride a bike now?
  5.  Are bikes popular in Your country?

Questions from the past :

Bicycles and You

  • Do you know how to ride a bicycle?
  • (Similar to above) Do you ever ride a bicycle?
  • (Similar to above) Do you often ride a bicycle? (Why?/Why not? Where? When?)
  • How often do you ride a bicycle?
  • Do you like riding a bicycle?
  • What do you use a bicycle for?
  • Did you ride a bicycle when you were a child?
  • How old were you when you first learned to ride a bicycle?
  • (Similar to above) How long have you ridden a bicycle? (= How many years have you known how to ride a bicycle?)
  • Would you say it’s difficult to learn to ride a bicycle?

Bicycles and People in Your Country

  • Are bicycles popular in your country?
  • (Similar to above) Are bicycles popular in your city? (Why?/Why not?) [Note: ‘common’ & ‘popular’ are not always the same.]
  • What are the reasons why people ride bicycles?
  • What are the advantages (or, benefits) of riding a bicycle?
  • (Similar to above) What benefits do you think children get from riding a bicycle?
  • Do you think it’s important for children to learn how to ride a bicycle (a bike)?
  • Do you think children should be taught cycling at school. as an extra-curriculum subject?
  • What kinds of people ride bicycles?
  • Do children also ride bicycles in your country?
  • Why do children enjoy riding bicycles?
  • Would you say bicycles are suitable for people of all ages?
  • Can you think of any people who are not suited to riding a bicycle? (Hint: very young, very old and disabled people)
  • (As above) Who is most suitable for riding a bicycle and who is least suitable?

Bicycles in Society

  • Do you think there are more bicycles in your country today than there were in the past?
  • Has the number of bicycle riders in your country changed much in the past few years?
  • Do you think the number of people using bicycles (in your hometown/country) will change in the future?
  • Would you say it’s still suitable to ride a bicycle in today’s society?
  • (Similar to above) Do you think bicycles are suitable for present society?
  • What do you think are the advantages (or, benefits) of riding a bicycle?
  • What do you think are the advantages (and disadvantages) of bicycles compared to cars?
  • Is it convenient to ride a bike in your country?


  • Would you say it’s safe to ride bicycles in your hometown?
  • (Similar to above) Would you say it’s safe to ride a bicycle in the city (or, in your country)?
  • Would you say it’s safe for children to ride bicycles in your hometown?
  • Where are the safe places to ride a bicycle in your hometown?

Breakfast Part 1
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 23, 2024

1. What do you usually eat for breakfast?

2. Do you think breakfast is important?

3. Are there any differences between the mornings of your childhood and now?

4. Would you like to change your morning routine?

Celebrities And The News Part 1
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 23, 2024

Celebrities :

  • Who is your favourite celebrity in your country?
  • Who is the most famous celebrity in your country (Iran)?
  • Do you have a favourite celebrity in your country, (who,why)?
  • Have you ever personally met a celebrity?
  • Have you ever seen a celebrity in a public place?
  • Would you like to be a celebrity?
  • (Similar to above but different!) Do you want to be a celebrity?

News :

  • Do you ever read about celebrities?
  • What kind of famous people do you often see in the news?
  • Do you pay attention to famous people in the news?
  • Do you believe that the news about famous people in the media is true?
  • Would you like to be a famous person in the news?

Challenges Part 1
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 23, 2024

1. What subject do you think is the most challenging at school?

2. Do you like to challenge yourself?

3. Do you like to live a life that has a lot of challenges?

4. How do you usually deal with challenges in daily life?

Childhood Memory Part 1
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 23, 2024

1. What did you enjoy doing as a child?

2. Did you enjoy your childhood?

3. What are your best childhood memories?

4. Do you think it is better for children to grow up in the city or in the countryside?

Coins Part 1
Valid Until: May 1, 2025Last Update: september 17, 2024

  1. Do you use coins in your daily life?
  2. Is it convenient to use coins?
  3. Do you often carry coins with you?
  4. Did you use coins as a child?
  5. Have you ever collected coins?

Daily Routine & Morning Routine Part 1
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 23, 2024

Morning routines

1. What do you do in the mornings?

2. Is breakfast important?

3. What is your morning routine?

4. Do you like to get up early in the morning?

General Questions

  • What do you usually do in the mornings? or
  • What is your morning routine?
  • What’s your daily routine nowadays?
  • Do you think breakfast is important?
  • What time do you go to bed?
  • What time do you usually get up?
  • What do you usually do after you get up (or, in the morning)?
  • Do you like to get up early in the morning?
  • Did you have the same daily routine when you were a child?
  • Do you usually have the same routine every day of the week?
  • Do you want to change your daily routine in the future?
  • What are you usually doing at this time?
  • Do you do the same thing(s) every day?
  • Would you say you are busy?
  • What part of the day do you like best? (Why?)
  • What’s usually your busiest time of the day; the morning, noon, or evenings? (Why?)
  • What part of the day do you like best? (Why?)
  • What’s usually your busiest time of the day; the morning, noon, or evenings? (Why?)

Questions related to work and study

  • What is your daily study routine?
  • Have you ever changed your routine?
  • Do you think it is important to have a daily routine for your study?
  • (If you do not work) For you, what’s the best time of day for studying?
  • When do you do most of your study?
  • (If you work) For you, what’s the best time of day (or, day of the week) for working?


Doing Sports Part 1
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 23, 2024

1. What sports do you like?

2. Where did you learn how to do it?

3. Did you do some sports when you were young?

4. Do you think students need more exercise?

5. Do you know any people who are good at sports?

6. Do you think it is important for people to exercise?

7. Should schools encourage young students to take more physical exercise?

E-books And Paper Books Part 1
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 23, 2024

1. Which do you prefer, e-books or paper books?

2. When do you usually read online?

3. Will you read more online in the future?

4. Do you think paper books will disappear in the future?

Exciting Activities Part 1
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 23, 2024

1. Have you ever tried any exciting activities?

2. What do you think were exciting activities when you were a child?

3. Has anything exciting happened to you recently?

4. Would you like to try scuba diving and bungee jumping?

Fishing Part 1
Valid Until: May 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

  1. Do you like fishing?
  2. Did you ever go fishing when you were a child?
  3. Is fishing popular in your country?
  4. Do you like eating fish?

Good Views Part 1
Valid Until: May 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

  1. What is your favourite place? Why?
  2. Would you take photos when you see a good view?
  3. Have you seen an unforgettable and beautiful view or scenery?
  4. What is the view like around the place where you live?

Happy Things Part 1
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 23, 2024

1. Is there anything that has made you feel happy lately?

2. What made you happy when you were little?

3. What do you think will make you feel happy in the future?

4. When do you feel happy at work? Why?

5. Do you feel happy when buying new things?

6. Do you think people are happy when buying new things?

Holidays Part 1
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

  • Where did you go for your last holiday?
  • Which public holiday do you like best?
  • What do you do on holidays?
  • Do you like to spend your day at home?
  • Do you prefer a leisurely or a busy holiday?
  • Do you like holidays? Why?
  • Which (type of) holiday is your favorite, a public or personal holiday?
  • Does your country have many public holidays?
  • Do you have a favorite holiday?
  • What public holidays do you have in your country?
  • (If you don’t say this in answer to above) Why do you have those holidays?
  • Would you say most people in your country know why you have those holidays?
  • What do you usually do during a holiday?
  • Which would you prefer, a city break or a beach holiday?
  • Which do you prefer, a long holiday or a short one?
  • (Similar to above) Which do you prefer, long holidays or a short ones?
  • What kinds of places do you want to travel to on holiday?
  • (Similar to above) What kinds of places would you like to travel to on holiday?
  • Do you think holidays are important?
  •  Do you think holidays are becoming more and more important?
  • Do you think there should be more public holidays?  (public holidays)
  • (Similar to above) Do you think people should have more holidays? (personal holidays)
  •  Are there many tourists in your country?
  •  What do most people do during their holidays in your country?
  •  Do you prefer to travel alone or in group?

Internet Part 1
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 23, 2024

1. When did you start using the internet?

2. How often do you go online?

3. How does the internet influence people?

4. Do you think you spend too much time online?

5. What would you do without the internet?

Language Part 1
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 23, 2024

What is your mother tongue?

What other languages can you speak?

Will you learn other languages in the future?

(Similar to above) Do you intend to learn other languages in the future?

(Similar to above) What languages would you like to learn in the future?

Would you say it’s difficult to learn a new language?

How do you learn a foreign language?

How are languages taught and learned in your school?

This topic was last used in May 2014:

What languages can you speak?

Which language do you use the most?

How did you learn English? (Or, How do you study English?)

Do you think that English is difficult to learn?

How long have you been studying English?

Do you think learning languages is important?

(Similar to above) Do you think there is any need for (some) people to learn another language?

Is there any other language you would like to learn? (Why?)

(Similar to above) Is there any other language you want to learn? (Why)?

Laughing Part 1
Valid Until: May 1, 2025Last Update: september 22, 2024

  1. Do you laugh very often?
  2. Do you always laugh at funny things?
  3. In what situations do people laugh?
  4. Are you a person who often makes others laugh?
  5. Do you like to make people laugh?
  6. Do you think you are a funny person?
  7. (Similar to above) Would you say you are good at making others laugh?
  8. When was the last time you laughed? (Why?)
  9. Do you think it’s important for friends to have the same sense of humour?
  10. (Possibly the above Q is this)  Do you think it’s important for friends to laugh together?
  11. Do you enjoy watching interesting and funny movies?

Questions from the past :

  1. In what situations do people smile?
  2. Do you smile when you are having your picture taken?
  3. Can you sense (or feel, or tell)  if someone’s smile is fake?
  4. Do you like watching funny TV shows?


Library Part 1
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

  1. Do you often go to library?
  2. What do you usually do in the library?
  3. Did you go to library when you were a kid?
  4. Do Iranian kids often go to library?

Meeting New People Part 1
Valid Until: May 1, 2025Last Update: september 22, 2024

Note: The word, “meet” can mean “meet someone for the first time” or, “get together with someone such as a friend”. It is possible that both of these different meanings are used here, in different questions. For example, “Where did you meet your friends?” means “Where and how did you first meet them?” but “Where do you meet your friends?” means, “Where do you usually (or habitually) get together with your friends?” So, some of the questions here might be wrong. For example, “Where do you go to meet (or make) new friends?” does not seem correct because most people don’t habitually or frequently go somewhere in order to find new friends. (If they did, it would mean that they can’t find or can’t keep friends!) It is not too clear what some of these questions are, so pay close attention to the exact words of the examiner.

New Questions :

  1. Do you enjoy talking to new people?
  2. Where can you meet new people?
  3. Do you like meeting new people?
  4. What do you often talk about with your new friends?
  5. Have you made any new friends recently?
  6. Did you make a lot of friends when you were a child?
  7. Do you like making friends?

Questions from the past

  • Do you have many friends?
  • Do you like meeting new people? (Why?)
  • Where do you usually meet new people?
  • Where did you meet new people when you were a child?
  • What do you usually do with your friends?
  • Where did you (first) meet your friends?
  • Do you often make new friends?
  • Where do you go to make new friends?
  • Do you often meet people who you do not know? (If yes, where & what sorts of people?)
  • How do young people meet others in order to make new friends?
  • (Similar to above) Where do young people go to make new friends?
  • What do they do there?
  • Where do old people go to meet others (other old people)?
  • Where do children (i.e., aged 4 to 12) make new friends?
  • Do you ever meet any foreigners where you live?
  • Where can you (go to) speak to foreigners in your country?

News Part 1
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 23, 2024

1. Are you interested in news?

2. How do you usually find news?

3. How do your friends get news?

4. Have you read the news this morning?

5. Do you often talk with your friends about the news?

Number Part 1
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 23, 2024

New Questions:

  • What’s your favorite number?
  • Are you good at math?
  • Do you often use numbers to do something?
  • Are you good at memorizing numbers?
  • Are you good at remembering phone numbers? (similar to above)
  • Can you memorize phone numbers?
  • (Possibly the question above is this) Do you usually memorize phone numbers?
  • Do you have a favourite number?
  • Would you say you are good at using numbers (= good at maths/ good at arithmetic)?
  • Would you like to have a  job dealing with numbers?


Questions from the past:

  • In your country, do any numbers have special meaning?
  • How do numbers help your life?
  • (Are there any numbers or dates that you think are (especially) important to remember?
  • What important numbers have you memorized?
  • How often do you need to memorize a number?
  • How do you remember a number (or, numbers)?
  • Which do you think are easier to remember, names or numbers?
  • Which do you think are easier to memorize, names or numbers?

Pens and Pencils Part 1
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 19, 2024

  • What do you usually use for writing, a pen, or a pencil?
  • (Similar to above) Which do you prefer to use for writing, a pen or a pencil?
  • When was the last time you bought some pens or pencils (or, a pen or pencil)?
  • If someone gave you some pens/pencils as a gift, how would you feel?
  • (Similar to above)  How would you feel if someone gave you a pen as a gift?
  • Would you ever give a pen (or pencils) to someone as a gift?
  • What do you think if someone gives you a pen or pencil as a present?

Perfume Part 1
Valid Until: May 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

  1. Do you like perfume?
  2. Do you use / wear perfume?
  3. How much money do you spend on perfume?
  4. Have you ever given perfume as a gift?
  5. Would you ever give perfume as a gift?
  6. Do you spend a lot of money on buying perfume?
  7. Do you give perfume to others as a gift?
  8. Where do you spray perfume?

Photography Part 1
Valid Until: May 1, 2025Last Update: september 23, 2024

New Questions :

  1. Do you like taking photos?
  2. Where do you like to go to take photos?
  3. On what occasions (= when) do you take photos?
  4. Do you like to take photos when you travel?
  5. When your travel, do you prefer to take photos, or to record videos?
  6. Do you prefer to take pictures of people or of scenery?

Question from the past :

  • Do you like to take photographs? (Why?)
  • (Similar to above) Do you like taking photographs? (When you ‘take a photograph’ you are the person using a camera, that is, standing behind the camera, not the person standing in front of the camera!)
  • (Similar to above) Do you like photography (= taking photographs/taking pictures)? (Why?/Why not?)
  • What do you like to photograph?
  • (Similar to above) What do you take photos of?
  • On what occasions (= when) do you take photos?
  • Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people take photos? (Why?)
  • When was the last time you took a photo?
  • How long have you been taking photographs?
  • (Similar to above) How long have you liked taking photographs? (Include ‘since’ or ‘for’ in your answer. E.g., “… since I was about ten years old” or “… for about 5 years”.)
  • How (why) did you become interested in photography?
  • How often do you take photographs? (You should include an approximate time, such as ‘about once every 2 or 3 months.’)
  • In what situations (or, when) do you take photographs?
  • Do you like to take photos when you travel?
  • When your travel, do you prefer to take photos, or to record videos?
  • What kind of photos do you like to take? (Why?)
  • In what environment (or, where) do you prefer to take photos?
  • Do you prefer to take pictures of people or of scenery?
  • Who do you take photos of?
  • What do you do with the photos you take?
  • Where (or how) do you keep your photos?
  • Do you keep your photographs on your computer?
  • Do you ever delete (or, if on paper, throw away) any of your photos?
  • Do you enjoy looking at photographs?
  • What kinds of photographs do you most like to look at?
  • Have you ever been to a place that had a lot of photographs?
  • Do you have any favourite photos?
  • Do you have a favourite family photograph?
  • What kinds of photographs do you most like to look at?
  • Do you ever take photos of yourself?
  • (Similar to above) Do you like to take photos of yourself?  (e.g., “selfies”)
  • Do you use a self-timer (when you take a picture of yourself)?
  • Do you have any photos from your (or, of your) childhood?
  • Are there any photos on the walls of your home?
  • Do you frame (or have you framed) any of your photos? (If yes, which? & why?)
  • Do you prefer to send postcards to people or to send photos that you took yourself? (Why?) (Or: As a souvenir of a place that you visit, do you prefer to buy a postcard or take a photograph yourself?)
  • (Similar to above) Which do you think is better to send to someone, a postcard that has a photograph on it or a photograph you took yourself? *
  • Would you like to work as a professional photographer?
  • (Possibly the question above is this) Would you like to take photos like a professional photographer?
  • Would you like to improve your knowledge of photography?
  • (Similar to above) Would you like to learn how to take better photos?

Photography and People in General

  • Is photography a popular hobby in your country?
  • Is taking photographs very popular in your country? (Why?/Why not?)
  • Why are more and more people taking photographs today?
  • Do you think people are taking too many photographs?
  • Why do (you think) some people do not like taking photographs?
  • (Similar to above) What types of people don’t like taking photographs?
  • What is the value of taking photographs?
  • Why do you think some people like taking photographs when they visit another place?
  • Do people in your country like to visit photograph exhibitions? What kind of photos do they like to look at?
  • Do you think being a photographer would be a good job? (Why?/Why not?)
  • Why don’t some people like having their photo taken?
  • (Similar to above) Why do some people dislike having themselves photographed?
  • What factors make a good photograph?
  • Do you think taking photos today is the same as it was in the past?
  • What advantages and disadvantages do you think using a camera gives to students?
  • What do you think are the advantages, and the disadvantages, of taking photos with a mobile phone (or, smart phone)?

Place Of Work/Study Part 1
Valid Until: May 1, 2025Last Update: september 22, 2024

  1. Do you prefer to work alone or in a group?
  2. Do you prefer to work at home or in the workplace?
  3. What part of your school do you like the most?
  4. What is your favourite place to study?
  5. Do you prefer to study at home or in a library?

Relax Part 1
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

  • What do you do to relax?
  • Do you think doing sports is a good way to relax?
  • Do you think vacation is a good time for you to relax?
  • Do you think students need more relaxing time?

Roads And Streets Part 1
Valid Until: May 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

  1. What is the condition of the roads in your city like?
  2. How do people cross the road in the city where you live?
  3. Are the roads and streets in the area where you live busy?
  4. Are there any famous roads or streets in your country?
  5. Do you think the roads in your city need improvement?

Schools And Workplaces Part 1
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 23, 2024

1. Where is your school?

2. Do you like your school?

3. Do you think your school is a good place to study?

4. What is the environment like at your school?

5. What do you think could be improved in your school?

6. How important is interest in study?

7. Which subject do you find challenging?

8. Do you like your job?

9. Do you currently have a good work environment?

10. What do you think could be improved at your workplace?

11. Have you ever thought about changing jobs?

12. Is there a place in your company that makes you feel relaxed?

13. What are the advantages of a company having a relaxation room?

Science Part 1
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

  • When did you start to learn about science?
  • Which science subject is interesting to you?
  • Do Persian people often visit science museums?
  • What kinds of interesting things have you done with science?
  • Do you like watching science TV programs?
  • Did you like your science classes at school?
  • What kinds of science did you learn (or, study) at school?
  • Do you think it’s important to study science?
  • (Similar to above) Do you think people should study science?
  • Do you like science? (How much? Why or why not?)
  • Does / did your high school offer any science-related classes?
  • Do you think all schools should have science classes available?
  • Do / did you enjoy your science classes at school?
  • What do you find most interesting about science?
  • What scientific fields are most popular in your country?
  • Is there anything about science that you don’t like?
  • Do you like watching television (documentary) programs about science?
  • Do you find those programs to be useful?
  • Can you suggest why people like to watch science fiction programs?
  • Are science museums very popular in your country?
  • Have you ever visited a science museum?
  • What future scientific developments do you think we will see?
  • Is there any scientific topic that you would like to learn more about?

Sharing Part 1
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 23, 2024

  • Do you like to share things with your friends?
  • Is there anything that you would not share with others?
  • Are you willing to share your favourite possessions?
  • Did your parents teach you to share when you were a child?
  • What kind of things do you like to share with others?
  • What kind of things are not suitable for sharing?
  • Do you have anything to share with others recently?
  • How do you think parents could encourage their children to share?
  • Do you think there will be a car sharing in the future?
  • (Possible question) Would you be willing to share your job (your work) with others?

Some vocabulary:

  • In common, joint, common
  • To save money
  • A personal possession
  • Generous, generosity
  • Fair, fairness
  • Kind, kindness
  • Stingy
  • Greedy
  • Selfish, unselfish
  • To split the cost
  • Car pooling Personal care items
  • Toiletries

Staying At Home Part 1
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 23, 2024

1. Are you a person who likes to stay at home?

2. What do you do when you stay at home?

3. What is your favourite place at home?

4. What did you often do at home as a child?

5. Would you like to stay at home a lot in the future?

T-shirts Part 1
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

  1. Do you like wearing T-shirts?
  2. How often do you wear T-shirts?
  3. Do you like T-shirts with pictures or prints?
  4. Do you think older people who wear T-shirts are fashionable?
  5. Would you buy T-shirts as souvenirs on vacation?

Teachers Part 1
Valid Until: May 1, 2025Last Update: september 23, 2024

  1. Do (or did) you have a favourite teacher?
  2. In what ways can (or, do) teachers help their students?
  3. What makes a good teacher?
  4. Do you think teachers can help students to learn (in) ALL subjects?
  5. Do you think teachers should be strict?
  6. In what ways do you think teachers and parents are different when teaching young people?
  7. Would you like to be a teacher?
  8. Do you have a teacher from your past that you still remember?
  9. Are you still in touch with your primary school teachers?
  10. Do you want to be a teacher in the future?

Teamwork Part 1
Valid Until: May 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

  1. Do you like teamwork?
  2. Have you teamed up with someone else before?
  3. What do you learn from working in a team?
  4. What do you dislike about teamwork?

A (good) decision someone made Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 22, 2024

Part 2

Describe a (good) decision someone made

You should say:

Who made it

What the decision was

When it was made

and explain why it was a good decision

Part 3

  1. Should children make decisions on their own?
  2. How should parents help their children make decisions?
  3. Do parents in your country make decisions for their children?
  4. Who will be helpful when making decision in your country?
  5. Do you think it is advisable listening to others' advice when making decision?
  6. When young people are to make a decision, should they listen to some advice?

a challenge you faced that you thought was rather difficult Part 2&3
Valid Until: May 1, 2025Last Update: september 17, 2024

Part 2

What it was

When and where you faced it

Why you thought it was a difficult challenge

And explain how you felt at the time

Part 3

Why do some people enjoy doing extreme sports?

What challenges would people face when learning new sports?

What activities do you think would make children feel challenged? Why?

Do most people choose to face a challenge alone or with others?

Is it easy for children to overcome a challenge?

What do children often do when they face a challenge?

A Child That You Know Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 22, 2024

Part 2

Describe a child that you know

You should say:

Who this child is

How often you see this child

What this child is like

And explain how you feel about this child

Part 3

1. In your country, who takes more care of children? Parents or grandparents?

2. What do you think about old people taking care of children?

A City You Would Like To Stay For A Short Time Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe a city you would like to stay for a short time

you should say:

where the city is

why you want to go there

whom you will go there with

what you will do there

And explain why you will stay there for a short time

Part 3

  1. Why do people sometimes go to other cities or countries (to travel)?
  2. Why are historical cities popular?
  3. Why do places with historical sites develop tourism industry more actively?
  4. Do you think tourists may come across bad things in other cities?
  5. Do most people like planned travelling?
  6. Why is the noise pollution worse in tourist cities than in other cities?

a complaint that you made and you were satisfied with the result Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 17, 2024

Part 2

When it happened

Who you complained to

What you complained about

And explain why you were satisfied with the result

Part 3

How do people often respond to poor customer service?

How would you react if you received a poor service at a restaurant?

Who are more likely to make complaints, older people or younger people?

Which one is better when making a complaint, by talking or by writing?

What do people often complain about?

When are people more likely to make complaints?

a crowded place you went to Part 2&3
Valid Until: May 1, 2025Last Update: september 17, 2024

Part 2

Where it was

When you went there

Who you went there with

What you did there

 And how you felt about it

Part 3

Which cities are overcrowded in your country?

Will there be more or less green space in cities in the future?

Will people use bikes more or less in cities in the future?

Why do people go to crowded places?

Do you think there are some people who enjoy crowded places?

Do you think it is a good trend to have more big cities?

A Daily Routine That You Enjoy Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe a daily routine that you enjoy

you should say:

what it is

where and when you do it

who you do it with

Whether it is easy to follow this routine

why you started to follow this routine

And explain why you enjoy it

Part 3

  1. Should children have learning routines?
  2. What are the advantages of children having a routine at school?
  3. Does having a routine make kids feel more secure at school?
  4. How do people’s routines differ on weekdays and weekends?
  5. What daily routines do people have at home?
  6. What are the differences between people’s daily routines now and in the past 15 years?

A Film Character Played by an Actor or Actress You admire Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe a film character played by an actor or actress whom you admire

you should say:

Who this actor or actress is

When you saw the film

What the character was like in this film

And explain why you admire this actor or actress

Part 3

  1. Are actors or actresses very interested in their work? Why?
  2. Is being a professional actor or actress a good career?
  3. What can children learn from acting?
  4. Why do children like special costumes?
  5. What are the differences between acting in a theatre and that in a film?
  6. What are the differences between actors or actresses who earn much and those who earn little?

A Historical Building You Have Been To Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe a historical building you have been to

You should say:

Where it is

What it looks like

What it is used for now

What you learned there

And how you felt about this historical building

Part 3

1. Why do people visit historical buildings?

2. Do Persian people like to visit historical buildings?

3. Do most people agree to the government's funding to protect historical buildings?

4. Is it necessary to protect historical buildings?

Part 2:

Describe a historical building you have been to

You should say:

Where it is

What it looks like

What it is used for now

What you learned there

And how you felt about this historical building

Part 3:

1. Why do people visit historical buildings?

2. Do Persian people like to visit historical buildings?

3. Do most people agree to the government’s funding to protect historical buildings?

4. Is it necessary to protect historical buildings?

a historical period/moment you would like to learn more about Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 17, 2024

Part 2

What you are interested in

When it happened

What you know about it

And why you would like to learn more

Part 3

Who should pay for the preservation of historic buildings?

Who should be responsible for protecting historic buildings?

Is it difficult to protect and preserve historic buildings?

What are the differences between learning history from books and from videos?

In what ways can children learn history?

Should everyone know history?

a movie you watched and enjoyed recently Part 2&3
Valid Until: May 1, 2025Last Update: september 17, 2024

Part 2

When and where you watched it

Who you watched it with

What it was about

And explain why you watched this movie

Part 3

What kinds of movies do you think are successful in your country?

What are the factors that make a successful movie?

Do Iranian people prefer to watch domestic movies or foreign movies?

Do you think only well-known directors can create the best movies?

Do you think successful movies should have well-known actors or actresses in leading roles?

Why do people prefer to watch movies in the cinema?

A Natural Place (e.g. parks, mountains) Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 21, 2024

Part 2

Describe a natural place (e.g. parks, mountains)

You should say:

Where this place is

How you knew this place

What it is like

And explain why you like to visit it

Part 3

1. What kind of people like to visit natural places?

2. What are the differences between a natural place and a city?

3. Do you think that going to the park is the only way to get close to nature?

4. What can people gain from going to natural places?

5. Are there any wild animals in the city?

6. Do you think it is a good idea to let animals stay in local parks for people to see?

Part 2:

Describe a natural place (e.g. parks, mountains)

You should say:

Where this place is

How you knew this place

What it is like

And explain why you like to visit it

Part 3:

1. What kind of people like to visit natural places?

2. What are the differences between a natural place and a city?

3. Do you think that going to the park is the only way to get close to nature?

4. What can people gain from going to natural places?

5. Are there any wild animals in the city?

6. Do you think it is a good idea to let animals stay in local parks for people to see?

A New Development In The Area Where You Live Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe a new development in the area where you live (e.g. shopping mall, park…)

You should say:

What and where the development is

What it was like before

How long it took to complete it

How people feel about it

And explain how it has improved the area you live in

Part 3

1. Is public transportation popular in Iran?

2. What can be done to improve public transport services in your hometown?

3. What leisure facilities can be used by people of all ages?

4. Do you think young people in your country like going to the cinema?

5. How is the subway system developing in your country?

6. What transportation do you use the most?

A New Law You Would Like To Introduce In Your Country Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe a new law you would like to introduce in your country

You should say:

What law it is

What changes this law brings

Whether this new law will be popular

How you came up with the new law

And explain how you feel about this new law

Part 3

1. What rules should students follow at school?

2. Do people in your country usually obey the law?

3. What kinds of behavior are considered as good behavior?

4. Do you think children can learn about the law outside of school?

5. What are the benefits for people to obey rules?

6. How can parents teach children to obey rules?

Part 2

Describe a new law you would like to introduce in your country

You should say:

What law it is

What changes this law brings

Whether this new law will be popular

How you came up with the new law

And explain how you feel about this new law

Part 3

1. What rules should students follow at school?

2. Do people in your country usually obey the law?

3. What kinds of behavior are considered as good behavior?

4. Do you think children can learn about the law outside of school?

5. What are the benefits for people to obey rules?

6. How can parents teach children to obey rules?

A Noisy Place You Have Been To Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe a noisy place you have been to

You should say:

Where it is

When you went there

What you did there

And explain why you feel it’s a noisy place

Part 3

1. Do you think it is good for children to make noise?

2. Should children not be allowed to make noise under any circumstances?

3. What kinds of noises are there in our life?

4. Which area is exposed to noise more, the city or the countryside?

5. How would people usually respond to noises in your country?

6. How can people consider others’ feelings when chatting in public?

A Park Or A Garden In Your City Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe a park or a garden in your city

You should say:

When you often go there

How often you go there

Where it is

Who you often go there with

What it is like

And explain what it is like

Part 3

1. Do young people like to go to parks?

2. What do old people like to do in parks?

3. What benefits can parks bring to a city?

4. What are the benefits of going to the park for young people and old people?

5. Why do some people like planting flowers?

6. Why do some people prefer planting vegetables to flowers?

7. Would you say people should help maintain public parks and gardens?

8. In winter, is going to parks a good choice?

9. In winter, what do people usually do when going to parks?

Part 2

Describe a park or a garden in your city

You should say:

When you often go there

How often you go there

Where it is

Who you often go there with

What it is like

And explain what it is like

Part 3

1. Do young people like to go to parks?

2. What do old people like to do in parks?

3. What benefits can parks bring to a city?

4. What are the benefits of going to the park for young people and old people?

5. Why do some people like planting flowers?

6. Why do some people prefer planting vegetables to flowers?

7. Would you say people should help maintain public parks and gardens?

8. In winter, is going to parks a good choice?

9. In winter, what do people usually do when going to parks?

A Party That You Enjoyed Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe a party that you enjoyed

You should say:

When and where the party was held

Who attended the party

What kind of party it was

What you did in the party

And explain why you enjoyed this party

Part 3

1. Why do people like parties?

2. Why do some people not like going to parties?

3. Do you think music and dancing are a must at a party?

4. What would you do if you were disturbed by a neighbour's party?

5. What are the differences between holding a party at home and in a public place?

6. Do you think those who tend to stay at home are less healthy than those who often attend parties?

Part 2

Describe a party that you enjoyed

You should say:

When and where the party was held

Who attended the party

What kind of party it was

What you did in the party

And explain why you enjoyed this party

Part 3

1. Why do people like parties?

2. Why do some people not like going to parties?

3. Do you think music and dancing are a must at a party?

4. What would you do if you were disturbed by a neighbour’s party?

5. What are the differences between holding a party at home and in a public place?

6. Do you think those who tend to stay at home are less healthy than those who often attend parties?

a person from whom others like to ask for advice Part 2&3
Valid Until: May 1, 2025Last Update: september 17, 2024

Part 2

Who this person is

Why people like to ask for his/her advice

What kind of advice he/she often gives

And explain how you feel about the person

Part 3

Do you follow the advice of your family members?

Who should people ask for advice on big issues, family members or friends?

Do people often ask for advice from professional people, like a lawyer?

Why do some people like to ask others for advice on almost everything?

Do you think the advice parents give their children is always good?

Are professional consultancy services expensive in your country?

A Person Who Encouraged You To Achieve Your Goal Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe a person who encouraged you to achieve your goal

You should say:

Who the person is

How he/she encouraged you

What goal you achieved

And explain how you feel about this person

Part 3

1. Do you think children are more likely to achieve their goals if they are encouraged?

2. What should parents do if their children don't want to study?

3. Who do you think should set goals for children?

4. Who plays a more important role in children's education, parents or teachers?

5. Is money the only motivation for people to work hard?

6. Which is more important, competition or cooperation?

Part 2

Describe a person who encouraged you to achieve your goal

You should say:

Who the person is

How he/she encouraged you

What goal you achieved

And explain how you feel about this person

Part 3

1. Do you think children are more likely to achieve their goals if they are encouraged?

2. What should parents do if their children don’t want to study?

3. Who do you think should set goals for children?

4. Who plays a more important role in children’s education, parents or teachers?

5. Is money the only motivation for people to work hard?

6. Which is more important, competition or cooperation?

a person who has strong opinions Part 2&3
Valid Until: May 1, 2025Last Update: september 17, 2024

Part 2

Who this person is

How you knew him/her

What kinds of strong opinions this person has

And explain why you think he/she is a person who has strong opinions

Part 3

Do you think it is good to have strong opinions?

Do you think we should only say something after thinking it through?

Which is more important, listening to others or persuading others?

Are there many young people who have strong opinions in our lives?

What do old people have strong opinions about?

What do young people have strong opinions about?

A Person Who Likes To Buy Goods With Low Prices Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe a person who likes to buy goods with low prices

You should say:

Who this person is

What this person likes to buy

Where this person likes to buy things

And explain why this person likes cheap goods

Part 3

1. What are the differences between shopping in a shopping mall and in a street market?

2. Which is more commonly visited in Iran, shopping malls or street markets?

3. Is advertising important?

4. What are the disadvantages of shopping in a street market?

5. How do you buy cheap products?

6. Do you think things are more expensive in big shopping malls?

Part 2

Describe a person who likes to buy goods with low prices

You should say:

Who this person is

What this person likes to buy

Where this person likes to buy things

And explain why this person likes cheap goods

Part 3

1. What are the differences between shopping in a shopping mall and in a street market?

2. Which is more commonly visited in Iran, shopping malls or street markets?

3. Is advertising important?

4. What are the disadvantages of shopping in a street market?

5. How do you buy cheap products?

6. Do you think things are more expensive in big shopping malls?

a person who likes to make things by hand (e.g. toys, furniture) Part 2&3
Valid Until: May 1, 2025Last Update: september 17, 2024

Part 2

Who this person is

What he/she makes

Why he/she likes to make things by hand

And explain how you feel about the person

Part 3

How does modern technology change the handicraft industry?

Is it reasonable to charge a high price for handmade things?

Are there any traditional handicrafts in your hometown?

Why do many children like to make things by hand?

What are the benefits for students to learn to make things by hand?

Are traditional handicrafts important to tourism?

a person who likes to read a lot Part 2&3
Valid Until: May 1, 2025Last Update: september 17, 2024

Part 2

Who this person is

How you knew him/her

What he/she likes to read

And explain why you think he/she likes to read a lot

Part 3

Why are many people so keen on reading?

Do you think parents should help their children develop the reading habit from an early age?

Is reading for fun or for work?

What reading topics are popular in your country?

What are the differences between paper books and movies?

Do you think people of all ages need to read?

A Person Who Thinks Music Is Important And Enjoys Music Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe a person who thinks music is important and enjoys music

You should say:

Who this person is

How you knew him/her

What music he/she likes

Why he/she thinks music is important

And explain how you feel about him/her

Part 3

1. What do you think about playing music for children in class?

2. Why do many teachers incorporate music into the classroom?

3. Do you think there are any advantages to a shop with music playing?

4. Would people's shopping behaviour be affected in

a shop with music?

5. What do you think would be the effect of background music in a film?

6. Why are musical movies so popular?

Part 2

Describe a person who thinks music is important and enjoys music

You should say:

Who this person is

How you knew him/her

What music he/she likes

Why he/she thinks music is important

And explain how you feel about him/her

Part 3

1. What do you think about playing music for children in class?

2. Why do many teachers incorporate music into the classroom?

3. Do you think there are any advantages to a shop with music playing?

4. Would people’s shopping behaviour be affected in

a shop with music?

5. What do you think would be the effect of background music in a film?

6. Why are musical movies so popular?

a person who you are happy to know Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 17, 2024

Part 2

Who this person is

How you know this person

What he or she is like

And explain why you are happy to know him/her

Part 3

How can companies improve employee happiness?

Which do you think is more important in the workplace, happiness or high salaries?

Some people say that living in a happy city is boring. What do you think?

Do you think everyone shares a similar definition of happiness?

What’s the difference between adults’ and children’s happiness?

How can children feel happy?

a person you know who has chosen a career in the medical field (e.g. a doctor, a nurse) Part 2&3
Valid Until: May 1, 2025Last Update: september 17, 2024

Part 2

Who he/she is

What he/she does

Why he/she chose this career

And explain how you feel about him/her

Part 3

Do you think doctors and nurses are very important?

Who plays a more important role, doctors or nurses?

Do you think that doctors and nurses are not paid enough?

Do you think it is necessary to learn first aid skills?

What are the differences between the work of a doctor and a nurse?

Can a hospital function effectively without nurses?

A Person You Met At A Party Who You Enjoyed Talking With Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking with

you should say:

What party it was

Who this person is

What you talked about

And explain why you enjoyed talking with him/her

Part 3

  1. In what occasions would people be willing to get to know new people?
  2. Where would people get to know new people?
  3. How do people start a conversation?
  4. Is it difficult for Iranian people to communicate with people from other countries?
  5. Why are some people unwilling to have conversations with others?
  6. Is it difficult for adults to talk with children?

A Person You Really Enjoy Studying/Working With Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe a person you really enjoy studying/working with

You should say:

Who this person is

When you often study/work together

What you study/work together

And explain why you enjoy studying/working with him/her

Part 3

1. Should children be encouraged to learn from their peers?

2. What difficulties or problems would introverted people face in work or study?

3. How can a person be a good co-worker?

4. What makes a good employee?

5. How can people improve their collaboration skills?

6. Do you think it is more important for an employee to keep good relationships with colleagues than just focus on the work?

Part 2

Describe a person you really enjoy studying/working with

You should say:

Who this person is

When you often study/work together

What you study/work together

And explain why you enjoy studying/working with him/her

Part 3

1. Should children be encouraged to learn from their peers?

2. What difficulties or problems would introverted people face in work or study?

3. How can a person be a good co-worker?

4. What makes a good employee?

5. How can people improve their collaboration skills?

6. Do you think it is more important for an employee to keep good relationships with colleagues than just focus on the work?

A Picture/Photograph Of You That You Like Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe a picture/photograph of you that you like

You should say:

Where it was taken/drawn

When it was taken/drawn

Who took/drew it

And explain how you felt about it

Part 3

1. Why do people take photos?

2. What do people use to take photos these days, cameras or phones?

3. Is it difficult for people to learn how to take good photos?

4. How do people keep their photos?

5. What photos do people often hang on the wall at home?

6. Is it necessary for students to learn art?

Part 2

Describe a picture/photograph of you that you like

You should say:

Where it was taken/drawn

When it was taken/drawn

Who took/drew it

And explain how you felt about it

Part 3

1. Why do people take photos?

2. What do people use to take photos these days, cameras or phones?

3. Is it difficult for people to learn how to take good photos?

4. How do people keep their photos?

5. What photos do people often hang on the wall at home?

6. Is it necessary for students to learn art?

A Piece Of Good News That You Heard About Someone You Know Well Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe a piece of good news that you heard about someone you know well

you should say:

What it was

When you heard it

How you knew it

And explain how you felt about it

Part 3

  1. Is it good to share something on social media?
  2. Should the media only publish good news?
  3. How does social media help people access information?
  4. What kind of good news do people often share in the community?
  5. Do most people like to share good news with others?
  6. Do people like to hear good news from their friends?

A Piece Of Technology You Own That You Feel Is Difficult To Use Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe a piece of technology you own that you feel is difficult to use

you should say:

when you got it

what you got it for

how often you use it

And explain how you feel about it

Part 3

  1. What technology do people currently use?
  2. Why do big companies introduce new products frequently?
  3. Why are people so keen on buying iphones even though they haven't changed much from one iphone to the next?
  4. Why do technology companies keep upgrading their products?
  5. What changes has the development of technology brought about to our lives?
  6. Does the development of technology affect the way we study? How?
  7. Do you think modern technologies are difficult to use?
  8. In your country, what technology do you think is necessary in the lives of people?
  9. Why do you think old people have difficulty using the mobile phones or computers?
  10. Do you think manufacturers should be responsible to make their technology easier to use?

A Place (city/town) That Is Good For People To Live In Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe a place (city/town) that is good for people to live in

You should say:

Where it is

How you knew this place

What it is like

And explain why it is better than other places to live in

Part 3

1. What are the differences between cities and towns?

2. What has happened to towns and villages in recent years in your country?

3. What are the differences between big cities and small ones?

4. What factors will contribute to whether a place is good to live in or not?

5. What are the major changes that have happened in your city?

6. How different is life in the countryside to life in the city?

Part 2

Describe a place (city/town) that is good for people to live in

You should say:

Where it is

How you knew this place

What it is like

And explain why it is better than other places to live in

Part 3

1. What are the differences between cities and towns?

2. What has happened to towns and villages in recent years in your country?

3. What are the differences between big cities and small ones?

4. What factors will contribute to whether a place is good to live in or not?

5. What are the major changes that have happened in your city?

6. How different is life in the countryside to life in the city?

a place in your city you have been to where you can see wildlife (e.g. animals, birds, insects, plants) Part 2&3
Valid Until: May 1, 2025Last Update: september 17, 2024

Part 2

Where it is

When you went there

What wildlife you can see there

And explain how you feel about it

Why are most children interested in wild animals?

Part 3

Should parents take their children to the zoo to see wild animals?

Are there many wildlife documentaries produced in your country?

Are wild animals easy to spot in your country?

What impacts does only seeing wild animals in zoos have on children's understanding of these animals?

Which is the better way to see wildlife, watching documentaries or going into the wild?

a place in your hometown/city that is different from other places and that you enjoy visiting with your parents/friends Part 2&3
Valid Until: May 1, 2025Last Update: september 17, 2024

Part 2

Where it is

What it is like

What you often do there

Who you often go there with

And explain why you think it is different

Part 3

What are the differences between big cities and small cities?

Where do people in your hometown like to go?

What are the differences between the places young people like to go and the places old people like to go?

What do young people like to do in their leisure time?

Do you think it is necessary to visit the same place many times?

What factors attract people to go to visit other places other than their hometown?

A Place Where You Have Taken Photos More Than Once Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe a place where you have taken photos more than once

You should say:

Where the place is

When you took the photos

What special features the photos taken there have

And explain why you have been there more than

once to take photos

Part 3

1. Do you like to take photos?

2. Where do people often like to take photos?

3. Who would like to take photos more often, young people or older people?

4. Would you pay a lot of money to hire a photographer?

5. Do you think being a photographer is a good job?

6. On what occasions do people need formal photos?

Part 2:

Describe a place where you have taken photos more than once

You should say:

Where the place is

When you took the photos

What special features the photos taken there have

And explain why you have been there more than

once to take photos

Part 3:

1. Do you like to take photos?

2. Where do people often like to take photos?

3. Who would like to take photos more often, young people or older people?

4. Would you pay a lot of money to hire a photographer?

5. Do you think being a photographer is a good job?

6. On what occasions do people need formal photos?

A Place You Have Been To Where Things Are Expensive Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe a place you have been to where things are expensive

You should say:

Where the place is

What the place is like

Why you went there

What you bought there

And explain why you think things are expensive there

Part 3

1. Why do some people still use cash?

2. Will the payment be paperless in the future?

3. What do you think of the view that time is as important as money?

4. Is it more important to choose a job with a high salary or with more time off?

5. How important is it to have a variety of payment option?

6. Why are things more expensive in some places than in others?

Part 2

Describe a place you have been to where things are expensive

You should say:

Where the place is

What the place is like

Why you went there

What you bought there

And explain why you think things are expensive there

Part 3

1. Why do some people still use cash?

2. Will the payment be paperless in the future?

3. What do you think of the view that time is as important as money?

4. Is it more important to choose a job with a high salary or with more time off?

5. How important is it to have a variety of payment option?

6. Why are things more expensive in some places than in others?

A Place You Visited Where The Air Was Polluted Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted

you should say:

Where the place is

when you visited this place

why the air was not good

And explain how you felt about the place

Part 3

  1. Is there more pollution now than the past?
  2. Do you think the city is leaner or dirtier than the countryside? Why?
  3. What can factories and plants do to reduce pollutants?
  4. Do you think the wind has any effect on pollution? Why?
  5. In what ways can air pollution be reduced effectively?
  6. Do you think many companies are forced to reduce pollutants?
  7. Do you ever go to places where the air is polluted?
  8. Do you think air pollution is the same in different parts of Iran? What's the reason?
  9. Do you think air pollution is serious?
  10. What can individuals do to reduce air pollution?

a prize you have received recently (e.g. money, something valuable, a medal) Part 2&3
Valid Until: May 1, 2025Last Update: september 17, 2024

Part 2

What it was

When you received it

What you did to receive it

And explain how you felt about it

Part 3

Why do some companies encourage employees to compete with each other?

Why do many companies offer prizes to their customers?

What criteria should be set for students to win a particular prize?

What prizes should schools set for students?

Why should we set prizes for competitions?

Do you think competition is all about the prize?

A Public Park Or Garden Part 2&3
Valid Until: May 1, 2025Last Update: september 17, 2024

Part 2

Where it is

What it is like

How often you go there

What you often do there

And explain how you feel about it

Part 3

Is it necessary to have public parks in cities?

What facilities are needed in a park?

What are the differences between a garden and a natural area?

Why do people like to visit tourist attractions?

What tourist attractions are popular in your country?

How can we encourage young people to go to parks more often?

a risk you took that you thought would lead to a terrible result but ended up with a positive result Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 17, 2024

Part 2

When you took the risk

Why you took the risk

How it went

And explain how you felt about it

Part 3

Who is more interested in taking risks, the young or the old?

Why do some people enjoy dangerous sports?

What kinds of sports are dangerous but exciting?

Why do some people like to watch risk-taking movies?

What risks should parents tell their children to avoid?

How should parents teach their children what a risk is?

A Special Meal That Someone Made For You Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe a special meal that someone made for you

You should say:

Who did it

When and how he/she cooked

What and why he/she cooked for you

And explain how you felt about the meal

Part 3

1. Should students learn to cook at school?

2. Do you think people's eating habits would change as they get older?

3. Do people in your country like to learn to cook from TV programmes?

4. What kinds of fast food are popular in Iran?

5. Are there any people who wouldn't eat meat for their whole lives?

6. What do you think about vegetarians?

Part 2

Describe a special meal that someone made for you

You should say:

Who did it

When and how he/she cooked

What and why he/she cooked for you

And explain how you felt about the meal

Part 3

1. Should students learn to cook at school?

2. Do you think people’s eating habits would change as they get older?

3. Do people in your country like to learn to cook from TV programmes?

4. What kinds of fast food are popular in Iran?

5. Are there any people who wouldn’t eat meat for their whole lives?

6. What do you think about vegetarians?

A Sport That You Only Have watched before but have Not Played Yourself Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe a sport that you only have watched before but have not played yourself

You should say:

What it is

When you watched it

Where you watched it

Who you watched it with

And explain how you felt about it

Part 3

1. What kinds of sports would you like to play in the future?

2. Why are there many athletes in advertisements?

3. What are the features of people who watch sports games online, such as gender or age?

4. What's the most popular sport in your country?

5. What kinds of sports are popular now but not popular 50 years ago?

6. Do you think there are too many sorts of sports games on TV?

Part 2

Describe a sport that you only have watched before but have not played yourself

You should say:

What it is

When you watched it

Where you watched it

Who you watched it with

And explain how you felt about it

Part 3

1. What kinds of sports would you like to play in the future?

2. Why are there many athletes in advertisements?

3. What are the features of people who watch sports games online, such as gender or age?

4. What’s the most popular sport in your country?

5. What kinds of sports are popular now but not popular 50 years ago?

6. Do you think there are too many sorts of sports games on TV?

a subject that you would like to learn in the future Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 17, 2024

Part 2

What it is

Where and how you want to learn it

Why you want to learn it

And explain if it will be difficult to learn it

Part 3

What do you think about face-to-face learning with teachers?

What is more important when choosing a job, high salary or interest?

What subjects do most young people prefer to learn? Why?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of learning in a group?

Do you prefer to study alone or with a group of people?

What are the differences between online learning and offline learning?

A Time That You Showed Something New To Others Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe a time that you showed something new to others

You should say:

When it was

What it was

Who you showed it to

How you showed it

And explain how you felt about it

Part 3

1. What qualities should a good learner have?

2. What skills should children learn?

3. What are the differences between the things adults learn and the things that children learn?

4. Why are some people not willing to ask help from others while studying?

Part 2

Describe a time that you showed something new to others

You should say:

When it was

What it was

Who you showed it to

How you showed it

And explain how you felt about it

Part 3

1. What qualities should a good learner have?

2. What skills should children learn?

3. What are the differences between the things adults learn and the things that children learn?

4. Why are some people not willing to ask help from others while studying?

A Time When Someone Gave You Something That You Really Wanted Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe a time when someone gave you something that you really wanted

you should say:

what it was

when you received it

who gave it to you

And explain why you wanted it so much

Part 3

  1. Should employees have their own goals?
  2. How should bosses reward employees?
  3. What kinds of gifts do young people like to receive as rewards?
  4. How should children spend their allowance money?
  5. Why do people like shopping more now than in the past?
  6. Do you think shopping is good for a country’s economy?

a time when you answered a phone call from someone you didn’t know in a public place Part 2&3
Valid Until: May 1, 2025Last Update: september 17, 2024

Part 2

When and where it happened

Who called you

What he/she said

How you corresponded

And explain how you felt about the experience

Part 3

Do most people mind others talking on the phone in public places?

What are the differences between sitting next to someone who talks on the phone and sitting next to people who talk to each other while traveling by train?

Why do some people not care about their actions in public?

Should parents teach their children to behave well in public?

Is it acceptable to talk on the phone in public?

Should people be banned from talking loudly in public places?

a time when you lost an important and valuable item Part 2&3
Valid Until: May 1, 2025Last Update: september 17, 2024

Part 2

When and where it happened

What it was How important and valuable it was

How you lost it

And explain how you felt about the experience

Part 3

What are the reasons why people often misplace or lose things?

What do people often do after losing things?

What should parents do to teach their children not to lose things?

Are there any good ways to remind us not to forget or lose things?

Is it important for students to be organized?

What are some common items that people tend to lose easily?

A Time When You Missed Or Were Late For An Important Meeting/Event Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe a time when you missed or were late for an important meeting/event

you should say:

when it happened

what happened

why you missed/were late for it

And explain how you felt about this experience

Part 3

  1. Are you a punctual person?
  2. Do you think it is important to be on time?
  3. Do you always avoid being late?
  4. Why are people often late for meetings or appointments?
  5. Are people in your country often late for meetings or appointments?
  6. Do you think people are born with time management skills or they can develop them?

A Time When You Taught A Friend/Relative Something Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe a time when you taught a friend/relative something

you should say:

Who you taught

What/how you taught

What the result was

And explain how you felt about the experience

Part 3

  1. What practical skills can young people teach old people?
  2. What skills can young people teach old people besides technology?
  3. How can young people teach old people skills?
  4. How can we know what to do when we want to learn something new?
  5. Do you think 'showing' is a better way than 'telling' in education?
  6. Do people in your country like to watch videos to learn something?

A Time You Taught Something New To A Younger Person Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe a time you taught something new to a younger person

You should say:

When it happened

What you taught

Who you taught

Why you taught this person

And how you felt about the teaching

Part 3

1. What skills do adults need to have?

2. How can people be motivated to learn new things?

3. What can children learn from teachers and parents?

4. What are the skills that you wanted to learn?

5. What skills should children learn before entering school?

6. How does a good learner learn something new?

Part 2

Describe a time you taught something new to a younger person

You should say:

When it happened

What you taught

Who you taught

Why you taught this person

And how you felt about the teaching

Part 3

1. What skills do adults need to have?

2. How can people be motivated to learn new things?

3. What can children learn from teachers and parents?

4. What are the skills that you wanted to learn?

5. What skills should children learn before entering school?

6. How does a good learner learn something new?

A Tourist Attraction That Very Few People Visit But You Think Is Interesting Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe a tourist attraction that very few people visit but you think is interesting

You should say:

What the place is

What people can see there

Why only very few people visit there

And explain why you think it is interesting

Part 3

1. Why do people visit tourist attractions?

2. What makes a tourist attraction famous?

3. Do local people like to visit local tourist attractions?

4. Do you think tourism causes environmentaldamage?

5. How can people prevent the environmental damage caused by tourism?

6. Should all tourist attractions be free to the public?

Part 2

Describe a tourist attraction that very few people visit but you think is interesting

You should say:

What the place is

What people can see there

Why only very few people visit there

And explain why you think it is interesting

Part 3

1. Why do people visit tourist attractions?

2. What makes a tourist attraction famous?

3. Do local people like to visit local tourist attractions?

4. Do you think tourism causes environmentaldamage?

5. How can people prevent the environmental damage caused by tourism?

6. Should all tourist attractions be free to the public?

A Website You Often Visit Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe a website you often visit

you should say:

what it is about

how you found about it

how often you visit it

And explain you you often visit it

Part 3

  1. What are the most popular and least popular apps in your country?
  2. What's the difference between the Internet and television?
  3. Why do some people like to read the news on the Internet instead of getting it from TV?
  4. Is the library still necessary? Why?
  5. What kinds of people would still go to the library to read and study?
  6. What are the differences between old people and young people when they use the Internet?

an activity you enjoyed in your free time when you were young Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 17, 2024

Part 2

What it was

Where you did it

Who you did it with

And explain why you enjoyed it

Part 3

Do adults and children have enough time for leisure activities nowadays?

What activities do children and adults do nowadays?

Can most people balance work and life in Your country?

Are there more activities for young people now than 20 years ago?

What sports do young people like to do now?

Is it important to have a break during work or study?

An Advertisement You Have Seen But You Did Not Like Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe an advertisement you have seen but you did not like

You should say:

Where and when you saw it

What the advertisement was for

What you could see in the advertisement

And explain why you did not like the advertisement

Part 3

1. What role does social media play in advertising?

2. Does advertising encourage us to buy things we don't need?

3. What do you think of celebrity endorsements in advertising?

4. What are the benefits of advertising?

5. Which one is more effective, newspaper advertising or online advertising?

6. What are the most advertised products in your country?

Part 2

Describe an advertisement you have seen but you did not like

You should say:

Where and when you saw it

What the advertisement was for

What you could see in the advertisement

And explain why you did not like the advertisement

Part 3

1. What role does social media play in advertising?

2. Does advertising encourage us to buy things we don’t need?

3. What do you think of celebrity endorsements in advertising?

4. What are the benefits of advertising?

5. Which one is more effective, newspaper advertising or online advertising?

6. What are the most advertised products in your country?

An Enjoyable Journey By Public Transport Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe an enjoyable journey by public transport

You should say:

Where you went

Who you were with

What you did

And how you felt about it

Part 3

1. Why do people choose to travel by public transport?

2. Why do more and more people like to travel by plane?

3. Do you think offering free public transport will solve traffic problems in the city?

4. What are the disadvantages of traveling by public transport?

5. What do you think are the cheapest and most expensive means of transport?

6. What are the difficulties that commuters face during rush hours?

Part 2

Describe an enjoyable journey by public transport

You should say:

Where you went

Who you were with

What you did

And how you felt about it

Part 3

1. Why do people choose to travel by public transport?

2. Why do more and more people like to travel by plane?

3. Do you think offering free public transport will solve traffic problems in the city?

4. What are the disadvantages of traveling by public transport?

5. What do you think are the cheapest and most expensive means of transport?

6. What are the difficulties that commuters face during rush hours?

an ideal and perfect place where you would like to stay (e.g. a house, an apartment) Part 2&3
Valid Until: May 1, 2025Last Update: september 17, 2024

Part 2

Where it would be

What it would look like

What special features it would have

Whether it would be big or small

And explain why it would be an ideal place for you

Part 3

What do you think buildings will be like in the future?

Why do some people choose to live in the city center?

Do different people have different preferences for houses or apartments?

What would people normally consider when they rent or buy a house or an apartment?

Why are apartments popular in some places while not in other places?

What are apartments like in your country?

An Important Achievement You Have Made Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe an important achievement you have made

You should say:

What you achieved

When and where you did it

Why it was an important achievement

And explain how you earned it

Part 3

1. Should people set goals under any circumstances?

2. Should employers reward employees with money?

3. Is it important for employees to keep fit at work?

Part 2

Describe an important achievement you have made

You should say:

What you achieved

When and where you did it

Why it was an important achievement

And explain how you earned it

Part 3

1. Should people set goals under any circumstances?

2. Should employers reward employees with money?

3. Is it important for employees to keep fit at work?

An important plant in your country Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe an important plant in your country (such as a vegetable, fruit or flower).

            You should say:

                                what plant it is

                                what it looks like 

                                where it grows

              and explain why it is important.  

Part 3

Plants in Your Country

  • Can you give me any more examples of the plants that grow in your country?  
  • How are those plants used? (= What are those plants used for?, What is the role of those plants?)
  • Why did people in the past use plants as medicine?

Living in the Countryside

  • What are the features of living in the countryside?
  • Would you say plants are more important in the countryside, or in the city?
  • Why do some people prefer to live in the countryside?  
  • Why is there air pollution in the cities?
  • Who do you think prefers living in the countryside, young people or old people?  
  • How do you think the countryside might (or, will) change in the future?

Green Cities

  • Have new kinds of plants been grown in your city recently?
  • Are there many trees and green areas in the city where you live?
  • Would you say it's important to have plants growing in cities?
  • What do you think are the benefits of growing things (or, trees) in a (the) city?   

Growing Plants at Home

"At home" can be considered to include, "at the office".

  • Why do some people like to keep plants at home?
  • Do people in your country like growing plants at home?
  • (different to above) Do many people in your country grow plants at home?  
  • Can you explain why people like to put plant in their home or office?  
  • (Similar to above) Why do some people attach importance to greening their living (or working) environment?  
  • What kinds of plants do they grow?
  • How (or where) do people who live in cities (or, in apartments) grow plants?  
  • Are there any differences between the plants that people grow indoors compared to those that are grown outdoors?
  • What would you say are the benefits of having indoor plants?
  • What kind of people like to plant flowers at home?  
  • Who do you think likes growing plants more (= "prefers growing plants"), old people or young people?  
  • Why do old people like to grow plants at home?
  • Have you ever grown any plants?

Education about Plants

  • Should schools teach children how to grow plants?
  • Do schools in your country teach children about growing (or, how to grow) plants?
  • Do you think schools should teach children about growing plants?  
  • (Similar to above) Do you think schools should teach children how to grow plants?  
  • (Similar to above) Do you think children should study agriculture at school? 
  • What benefits can children get from growing plants?


  • What are some examples of the crops that are grown in your country?
  • Can you explain why some people enjoy working as farmers?
  • Would you like to be a farmer?
  • How is farming in your country today different to farming in the past?  
  • (Similar to above) How has farming in your country changed over the past few decades (or, generations)?
  • What's the difference between the social status of farmers today and their status in the past?
  • Where (or how) do people today learn about farming?
  • (Similar to above) Where (or how) do students today study agriculture?
  • How do you think farming might change in the future? 
  • Do you think more people will be growing their own food in the future?
  • Do you think children should do farm work?
  • In what ways do you think the environment affects the growing of crops?

Describe an important plant in your country (such as a vegetable, fruit or flower).

            You should say:

                                what plant it is

                                what it looks like 

                                where it grows

              and explain why it is important.  

Part 3

Plants in Your Country

  • Can you give me any more examples of the plants that grow in your country?  
  • How are those plants used? (= What are those plants used for?, What is the role of those plants?)
  • Why did people in the past use plants as medicine?

Living in the Countryside

  • What are the features of living in the countryside?
  • Would you say plants are more important in the countryside, or in the city?
  • Why do some people prefer to live in the countryside?  
  • Why is there air pollution in the cities?
  • Who do you think prefers living in the countryside, young people or old people?  
  • How do you think the countryside might (or, will) change in the future?

Green Cities

  • Have new kinds of plants been grown in your city recently?
  • Are there many trees and green areas in the city where you live?
  • Would you say it’s important to have plants growing in cities?
  • What do you think are the benefits of growing things (or, trees) in a (the) city?   

Growing Plants at Home

“At home” can be considered to include, “at the office”.

  • Why do some people like to keep plants at home?
  • Do people in your country like growing plants at home?
  • (different to above) Do many people in your country grow plants at home?  
  • Can you explain why people like to put plant in their home or office?  
  • (Similar to above) Why do some people attach importance to greening their living (or working) environment?  
  • What kinds of plants do they grow?
  • How (or where) do people who live in cities (or, in apartments) grow plants?  
  • Are there any differences between the plants that people grow indoors compared to those that are grown outdoors?
  • What would you say are the benefits of having indoor plants?
  • What kind of people like to plant flowers at home?  
  • Who do you think likes growing plants more (= “prefers growing plants”), old people or young people?  
  • Why do old people like to grow plants at home?
  • Have you ever grown any plants?

Education about Plants

  • Should schools teach children how to grow plants?
  • Do schools in your country teach children about growing (or, how to grow) plants?
  • Do you think schools should teach children about growing plants?  
  • (Similar to above) Do you think schools should teach children how to grow plants?  
  • (Similar to above) Do you think children should study agriculture at school? 
  • What benefits can children get from growing plants?


  • What are some examples of the crops that are grown in your country?
  • Can you explain why some people enjoy working as farmers?
  • Would you like to be a farmer?
  • How is farming in your country today different to farming in the past?  
  • (Similar to above) How has farming in your country changed over the past few decades (or, generations)?
  • What’s the difference between the social status of farmers today and their status in the past?
  • Where (or how) do people today learn about farming?
  • (Similar to above) Where (or how) do students today study agriculture?
  • How do you think farming might change in the future? 
  • Do you think more people will be growing their own food in the future?
  • Do you think children should do farm work?
  • In what ways do you think the environment affects the growing of crops?

An Indoor Or Outdoor Place Where It Is Easy For You To Study Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe an indoor or outdoor place where it is easy for you to study

You should say:

Where it is

What it is like

When you go there

What you study there

And explain why you would like to study in this place

Part 3

1. Do you like to learn on your own or with others?

2. What's the difference between learning face-to face with teachers and learning by yourself?

3. Do you prefer to study at home or study in other places?

4. What are the benefits of gaining work experience while studying?

5. Do most people like to study in a noisy place?

6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying with other people?

Part 2

Describe an indoor or outdoor place where it is easy for you to study

You should say:

Where it is

What it is like

When you go there

What you study there

And explain why you would like to study in this place

Part 3

1. Do you like to learn on your own or with others?

2. What’s the difference between learning face-to face with teachers and learning by yourself?

3. Do you prefer to study at home or study in other places?

4. What are the benefits of gaining work experience while studying?

5. Do most people like to study in a noisy place?

6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying with other people?

An Interesting Old Person You Met Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe an interesting old person you have met

You should say:

Who this person is

When/where you met this person

What you did with this person

And explain why you think this person is interesting

Part 3

1. Do you think old people and young people can share interests?

2. What can old people teach young people?

3. Is it easy for young people and old people to make friends with each other?

4. Are there benefits when one person is interested in another person? Why?

5. Do you think people are more selfish or self-centered now than in the past?

6. What benefits can people get if they are self-centered?

An Interesting Place You Have Been To With A Friend Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe an interesting place you have been to with a friend

You should say:

What and where the place is

Who you went with

When you went there

What you did there

And explain why you think it is interesting

Part 3

1. Why do people need friends?

2. How do you communicate with friends?

3. Why don't some people like to socialise?

4. Can talking with people improve social skills?

5. Does technology help people communicate better with others?

6. Do you prefer to go out with a group of friends or just with a few close friends?

Part 2

Describe an interesting place you have been to with a friend

You should say:

What and where the place is

Who you went with

When you went there

What you did there

And explain why you think it is interesting

Part 3

1. Why do people need friends?

2. How do you communicate with friends?

3. Why don’t some people like to socialise?

4. Can talking with people improve social skills?

5. Does technology help people communicate better with others?

6. Do you prefer to go out with a group of friends or just with a few close friends?

an occasion when you helped a family member/relative with something Part 2&3
Valid Until: May 1, 2025Last Update: september 17, 2024

Part 2

When it happened

Who you helped

How you helped

And explain how you felt about the experience

Part 3

How can children help their parents at home?

Should parents always help their children with everything?

What can children learn by helping others?

Should parents reward their children when they help others?

Do neighbours often help each other in your country?

How do people know that their neighbours might need help?

An Occasion When You Wore Your Best Clothes Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe an occasion when you wore your best clothes (or, clothing)

               You should say:

 when it was

 what you wore

 what they looked like

Why you wore it

 and explain why you wore your best clothes.

Part 3

  • Do you think people really need to dress formally in the workplace?
  • Why do some people like to wear traditional clothes?
  • Do you think traditional clothes will disappear in the future?
  • Do you think people change the style of clothes they wear as they get older?
  • Do old people change their style of dressing?

Describe an occasion when you wore your best clothes (or, clothing)

               You should say:

 when it was

 what you wore

 what they looked like

Why you wore it

 and explain why you wore your best clothes.

Part 3

  • Do you think people really need to dress formally in the workplace?
  • Why do some people like to wear traditional clothes?
  • Do you think traditional clothes will disappear in the future?
  • Do you think people change the style of clothes they wear as they get older?
  • Do old people change their style of dressing?

an occasion you wore the best clothes Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 17, 2024

Part 2

When it was

What you wore

Why you wore it

And how you felt about it

Part 3

Who would wear formal clothes more often, young people or old people?

Why do some people like to wear expensive clothes?

Do old people change their style of dressing?

Will traditional clothes disappear in the future?

Why do some people like to wear traditional clothes?

Do you think people need to wear formally in the workplace?

an old friend you had lost touch with and got in contact with again Part 2&3
Valid Until: May 1, 2025Last Update: september 17, 2024

Part 2

Who he/she is

How you knew each other

Why you lost contact

How you got in contact again

And explain how you felt after getting in contact again

Part 3

Why do we have to give up some old friends?

Why do people need to make new friends?

Why do old friends lose touch with each other?

Do you think you are good at maintaining good relationships with others?

Would having just a few friends limit your horizons?

Is it better to have a lot of friends than just a few friends?

an online video in which you learned something new Part 2&3
Valid Until: May 1, 2025Last Update: september 17, 2024

Part 2

When and where you watched it

What it was

Why you watched it

And explain what you have learned from it

Part 3

Do you think online learning will replace face-to-face learning?

What are the advantages of online learning?

Why are so many young people obsessed with short videos?

Do you think people spend too much time watching short videos? Why?

Are there many people who watch online videos a lot?

What kinds of videos are most popular in your country?

An unusual meal you had Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe an unusual meal you had

You should say:

Who you were with

Where you went

When it happened

And explain why it was unusual

Part 3

  1. Do you think having dinner at home is a good idea?
  2. Do young people like to spend time with their families or friends?
  3. What do you think are the benefits of having dinner together?
  4. Do you think people are less willing to cook meals by themselves these days, compared to the past?

Describe an unusual meal you had

You should say:

Who you were with

Where you went

When it happened

And explain why it was unusual

Part 3

  1. Do you think having dinner at home is a good idea?
  2. Do young people like to spend time with their families or friends?
  3. What do you think are the benefits of having dinner together?
  4. Do you think people are less willing to cook meals by themselves these days, compared to the past?

Describe a cultural place that you would like to learn the culture there (e.g. a library, museum, theatre) Part 2&3
Valid Until: May 1, 2025Last Update: september 17, 2024

Part 2

Where it is

How you knew this place

What it is like

And explain how the place is related to culture

Part 3

How does the internet affect culture?

 How is a culture formed?

 What kind of culture is popular among young people?

How do young people learn about different cultures?

Which is more important in terms of culture, literature or music?

Does the culture of the past have an impact on today’s culture?

Someone (a famous person) That Is A Role Model For Young People Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe someone (a famous person) that is a role model for young people

You should say:

Who he/she is

How you knew him/her

What he/she has done

And explain why he/she can be a role model for young people

Part 3

1. What kinds of people are likely to be the role models for teenagers?

2. Is it important for children to have a role model?

3. Are there any differences between today's famous people and those of the past?

4. What qualities do famous people have?

5. What kinds of people are likely to become famous?

6. Do people tend to choose the best people as their role model?

Part 2

Describe someone (a famous person) that is a role model for young people

You should say:

Who he/she is

How you knew him/her

What he/she has done

And explain why he/she can be a role model for young people

Part 3

1. What kinds of people are likely to be the role models for teenagers?

2. Is it important for children to have a role model?

3. Are there any differences between today’s famous people and those of the past?

4. What qualities do famous people have?

5. What kinds of people are likely to become famous?

6. Do people tend to choose the best people as their role model?

someone else’s room you enjoy spending time in Part 2&3
Valid Until: May 1, 2025Last Update: september 17, 2024

Part 2

When you visited there

Whose room it is

What it is like

What you can do in it

And explain why you enjoy spending time there

Part 3

Do you like to invite your friends to your home?

Do most people visit other people's houses during the Spring Festival?

Why do people often take gifts with them when they visit others' homes?

What are the most enjoyable parts of having a meal together with your family?

Who likes to stay at home more, young people or old people? Do you think old people will be able to keep up with the pace of technology in 50 years?

Someone You Know Who Made A Good Decision Recently Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe someone you know who made a good decision recently

You should say:

Who he/she is

When he/she made the decision

What decision he/she made

Why it was a good decision

And explain how you felt about the decision

Part 3

1. Should parents make decisions for their children?

2. Do you think parents are the best people to make decisions about their children's education?

3. At what age do you think children can be allowed to make decisions by themselves?

4. Why do most children find it difficult to make decisions?

5. Should parents interfere in children's decision making?

6. How should parents help their children make decisions?

Part 2

Describe someone you know who made a good decision recently

You should say:

Who he/she is

When he/she made the decision

What decision he/she made

Why it was a good decision

And explain how you felt about the decision

Part 3

1. Should parents make decisions for their children?

2. Do you think parents are the best people to make decisions about their children’s education?

3. At what age do you think children can be allowed to make decisions by themselves?

4. Why do most children find it difficult to make decisions?

5. Should parents interfere in children’s decision making?

6. How should parents help their children make decisions?

Something That You Did With Someone/A Group Of People Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe something that you did with someone/a group of people

You should say:

What it was

Who you did it with

How long it took you to do this

And explain why you did it together

Part 3

1. How do you get along with your neighbors?

2. How do neighbors help each other?

3. Do you think neighbors help each other more often in the countryside than in the city?

4. How do children learn to cooperate with each other?

5. Do you think parents should teach children how to cooperate with others? How?

6. Do you think it's important for children to learn about cooperation?

Part 2

Describe something that you did with someone/a group of people

You should say:

What it was

Who you did it with

How long it took you to do this

And explain why you did it together

Part 3

1. How do you get along with your neighbors?

2. How do neighbors help each other?

3. Do you think neighbors help each other more often in the countryside than in the city?

4. How do children learn to cooperate with each other?

5. Do you think parents should teach children how to cooperate with others? How?

6. Do you think it’s important for children to learn about cooperation?

something you did in your study/work that has made you feel confident Part 2&3
Valid Until: May 1, 2025Last Update: september 17, 2024

Part 2

When and where it happened

What you did

Why it made you feel confident

And explain how you felt about it

Part 3

Why do so many people lack confidence these days?

Do you think that children of confident parents are also confident?

What can teachers do to make studying more interesting

How can teachers help their students become more confident by rewarding them for studying?

What can teachers do to help their students become more confident?

How can a person become more confident?

Something You Did That Made You Feel Proud Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Something you own that you want to replace Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe something you have that would like to replace.

               You should say:

 what it is

Where it is

 how long you have had it

 why you want to replace it

and explain how easy it would be to replace it


and explain how easy it will be to replace it.

Part 3

Replacing Things

  • Does consumption have any impact on the environment?
  • Why do people always want to buy new things to replace old ones?
  • Why do you think some people replace things more often than others?
  • Why do young people change things more often than old people?
  • Why do some people like to buy expensive things?
  • Why do some people prefer to buy things in the supermarket rather than online?
  • Are there other things you'd like to replace? *
  • (Similar to above) Can you tell me any more things that you would like to replace? *
  • What kinds of things do people usually replace?
  • How often do people replace something?
  • Why do some people like to replace things sooner (or, more often) than other people?
  • Can you tell me how a person decides when to buy something new to replace something older?
  • Who would you say replaces things more, old people or young people? *
  • Do you think old people like to hoard things?  
  • What kinds of things do your parents sometimes replace?
  • In general, what would you say are the differences between a new thing and an old thing?
  • Who do you think wants new things more, children or old people? *
  • How much does changing (or replacing) something actually change a person's life?
  • Can you think of any things that people replace very often, even every day sometimes?  
  • What's your opinion of people who always change to the newest product?
  • Do you think changing/replacing things can have an effect on the environment?
  • How often do you change your cell phone? *
  • Can you explain why so many young people like to change to the newest mobile phone all the time? *
  • Years ago, more people than today fixed broken things rather than buy a new one. Why do you think this is the the case?.
  • What do you think is the difference between fixing something and buying a new one?  

Describe something you have that would like to replace.

               You should say:

 what it is

Where it is

 how long you have had it

 why you want to replace it

and explain how easy it would be to replace it


and explain how easy it will be to replace it.

Part 3

Replacing Things

  • Does consumption have any impact on the environment?
  • Why do people always want to buy new things to replace old ones?
  • Why do you think some people replace things more often than others?
  • Why do young people change things more often than old people?
  • Why do some people like to buy expensive things?
  • Why do some people prefer to buy things in the supermarket rather than online?
  • Are there other things you’d like to replace? *
  • (Similar to above) Can you tell me any more things that you would like to replace? *
  • What kinds of things do people usually replace?
  • How often do people replace something?
  • Why do some people like to replace things sooner (or, more often) than other people?
  • Can you tell me how a person decides when to buy something new to replace something older?
  • Who would you say replaces things more, old people or young people? *
  • Do you think old people like to hoard things?  
  • What kinds of things do your parents sometimes replace?
  • In general, what would you say are the differences between a new thing and an old thing?
  • Who do you think wants new things more, children or old people? *
  • How much does changing (or replacing) something actually change a person’s life?
  • Can you think of any things that people replace very often, even every day sometimes?  
  • What’s your opinion of people who always change to the newest product?
  • Do you think changing/replacing things can have an effect on the environment?
  • How often do you change your cell phone? *
  • Can you explain why so many young people like to change to the newest mobile phone all the time? *
  • Years ago, more people than today fixed broken things rather than buy a new one. Why do you think this is the the case?.
  • What do you think is the difference between fixing something and buying a new one?  

Something You Would Like To Learn In The Future Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe something you would like to learn in the future

you should say:

how you would like to learn it

where you would like to learn it

why you would like to learn it

And explain whether it's difficult to learn it

Part 3

  1. what's the most popular thing to learn nowadays?
  2. At what age should children start making their own decisions? Why?
  3. Which influences young people more when choosing a course, income or interest?
  4. Do young people take their parents' advice when choosing a major?
  5. Besides parents, who else would people take advice from?
  6. Why do some people prefer to study alone?

Your Favorite Place In Your House Where You Can Relax Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 16, 2024

Part 2

Describe your favorite place in your house where you can relax

you should say:

where it is

what it is like

what you enjoy doing there

And explain why you feel relaxed at this place

Part 3

  1. Why is it difficult for some people to relax?
  2. What are the benefits of doing exercise?
  3. Do people in your country exercise after work?
  4. What is the place where people spend most of their time at home?
  5. Do you think there should be classes for training young people and children how to relax?
  6. Which is more important, mental relaxation or physical relaxation?
  7. Do you ever stay at home for a long time?
  8. Do people need a special place to relax their body and mind?
  9. Should big company set specific area to help staff relax?
  10. Do you think creativity is generated when there is no stress?

your favourite food at a traditional festival or a special event in your country Part 2&3
Valid Until: May 1, 2025Last Update: september 17, 2024

Part 2

What it is

At which festival/event you eat it

How it is made

And explain why you like it

Part 3

Do people in your country grow plants at home?

What plants can people grow in cities?

Are there any difficulties when people grow plants in cities?

Do most people prefer vegetables bought from the supermarket or grown at home?

Why do people like to have a big meal at traditional festivals or big events?

Is it bad behavior for people to look at their phones during a meal?

your first day at school that you remember Part 2&3
Valid Until: January 1, 2025Last Update: september 17, 2024

Part 2

Where the school was

How you went there

What happened that day

And how you felt on that day

Part 3

What are the advantages and disadvantages coming along with changing jobs?

Are big companies better than small companies? Why?

What are the reasons for job change?

Is socialization important for children?

How do children socialize with each other?

What would parents prepare when their kids go to school on the first day?

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