Test date: 2018/05

Weight of people


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The table below shows the weight of people in a particular country from 1999 to 2009.

Ielts Academic Writing task1- table

Write at least 150 words.

Model Essay

The table illustrates the percentages of males and females at different physical fitness levels in a particular nation between 1999 and 2009.

Obviously, most women and men were at normal weight during the research period. While the percentage of overweight women increased, the reverse was true for men.

In 1999, 49% of women had a normal weight, while the figure for those who were underweight stood at about half of that percent. A similar pattern was seen in males but the figures were smaller, at 41% and 22% respectively. Overweight females made up 18% in that year, much lower than that of female counterparts, with 30%.

The percentages of underweight women and men both rose in 2004, to 51% and 48% respectively, before falling to 47% each in 2009. Similarly, overweight females and males accounted for smaller percentages of the population in 2004, at 21% and 23%, and both figures then went down to 19% each in 2009. Despite a rise of 2% in the first five years, the percentage of women with an underweight then decreased by 1%. However, the opposite trends were witnessed in underweight men’s percentage, with 20% and 23% respectively.

(194 words)

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