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Test date: 2005/09

shopping as a free-time activity

Work and Life

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic.

In many places, shopping is becoming a free-time activity, replacing the traditional hobbies of the past. Discuss the reasons for this development. Is this development positive or negative.?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Model Essay

In this world with greater material wealth, shopping is viewed not only as a means of obtaining daily necessities, but also as a popular leisure activity. Many people feel an impulse to go to supermarkets, shopping malls and online stores when they are in a good or bad mood, and they often spend more than they earn on things they do not really need.

There are several reasons for this growing interest in shopping. In the first place, fast economic development has allowed a greater variety of commodities to be produced, displayed and sold. A shopper planning to buy some food in the supermarket may bring home clothes and many other things that he or she likes rather than needs.  Also, many shopping venues have provided entertainment and service facilities that make people’s shopping experience more comfortable and enjoyable. For example, some large shopping centres provide babysitting services to young mothers who can then take time to enjoy a day-long, relaxing shopping trip.

It seems that people’s being free and able to shop whatever and wherever they like is an indication of wealth and prosperity, and by encouraging consumption and production, the whole world’s economy will improve. However, the negative impacts of modern consumerism should not be overlooked. Excessive packaging is disposed of carelessly and poses a threat to the environment. It is also a pity to see unrestrained shopping replacing the more healthy activities of visiting the park, going to the church and regular community gatherings.

There is nothing wrong with shopping as long as we know what we can afford, but it might be a good idea to reduce our shopping expenditure and invest more in education and medical care, or simply save more money, work less, and lead a more satisfying and environmentally friendly life. (298 words)

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