Test date: 2018/05

Percentage of women aged 15-64 in employment

Line Graphs

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The line graph below gives information about the percentage of women aged 15-64 in employment between 2003 and 2009.

Writing task1 Academic- Line graph

Write at least 150 words.

Model Essay

The line graph illustrates the percentage of females between 15 to 64 years old having jobs in five nations from 2003 to 2009.

It is clear that while employment level of women in this age group in Iceland decreased, the percentages of females aged 15 to 64 being employed in the other nations increased. Additionally, the figure for Iceland was largest during the research period.

In 2003, just over 80% of females aged 15 to 64 in Iceland had jobs, compared to about 70% of Canadian counterparts. The percentage of employed female Germans was close to 60%, much higher than those of Chile and Turkey, at around 35% and 25% respectively.

After six years, Iceland saw a slight fall in the employment rate of women in this age group, to under 80%, whereas there were insignificant rises in the figures for Canada and Germany, by about 1% and 5% in turn. A similar climb was seen in Chile, while after a marginal fall in the first two years, the rate of employment in Turkey, recovered to the initial point in 2009.

(181 words)


• Compared to something
• Canadian counterparts
• Respectively
• Insignificant rises
• To recover

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