Test date: 2018/08

Different underground tunnel systems for cars


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Academic writing task1- map

Write at least 150 words.

Model Essay

The given maps illustrate two different underground tunnel systems for cars in two Australian cities.

Overall, there are a number of differences between the two tunnel systems, in terms of the cost, size, length, time of construction, and the surrounding environment. The first tunnel cost approximately half as much as the second tunnel to construct, however, the first tunnel was significantly smaller in terms of
length and vehicle capacity. The first tunnel also took much longer to construct.

The first tunnel, which took twelve years to construct between 1986 and 1998, cost $555 million, and was built underneath a body of water and sand. Meanwhile, the second tunnel only took four years for completion but cost twice as much, at $1.1 billion, and was constructed beneath a layer of stone and clay.

The size of the tunnels was also substantially different, with the first tunnel being 1.5 meters high and 2.2km long, and the second tunnel being 2.5m high and 3.6 km long. The first tunnel system is four lanes wide, while the second tunnel system is six lanes wide.

(180 words)


• Surrounding environment(n)
• Vehicle capacity (n)
• A body of water and sand (n)
• A layer of stone and clay (n)

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