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Test date: 2005/10

cultural contact between countries

Discuss both views
Languages and Cultures

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic.

Some people think the increasing business and cultural contact between countries brings many positive effects. Others say it causes the loss of national identities.

Discuss both vies and give your opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Model Essay

The world today is characterised by the free flow of information and commodity. The frequent interaction and growing interdependence among countries have ended the days of regional isolation and absolute national sovereignty, but they have also sparked off heated controversies over the positive and negative impacts that a global culture can bring into our life.

Some people say that the widening nnninternational exchanges, both in the field of business and culture, have exerted positive influences to a nation as well as its people. To begin with, they promote business co-operation among nations. For example, large multinational companies spread the latest technologies and experience around the world, and international trade has helped so many less developed economies grow. Also, they enrich people’s lives because people of one nation are given opportunities through international tourism, exhibitions and fairs, TV programmes and films, etc. to enjoy the achievements of other cultures across the globe.

However, other people argue that these conditions also create the possible danger of undermining a country’s national identity. In the first place, traditional cultures might fall victim to a global media and entertainment force. This is most evident in some parts of the world where “Americanisation” is threatening the preservation of their indigenous culture. In Iran, for instance, few youngsters like or understand “Traditional Music”, the quintessence of Iraniannnnnn culture; they go for Hollywood movies and rock music instead. Moreover, in the process of globalisation, the world is getting less linguistically diverse, as a growing number of people give up their native language for the dominant language in the world- English.

From my point of view, both arguments are the true reflections of the possible consequence of an increasing economic and cultural interaction among nations. It boosts economic integration and speeds up modernisation but also creates tensions between a global culture and a country’s national identity. Therefore, we should take the initiative in fighting to protect our distinct culture and identity from being submerged by other cultural or economic influences. (332 word)

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