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Test date: 2007/07

a new language for international communication

Advantage/ Disadvantage
Languages and Cultures

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic.

Some people think that we should invent a new language for international communication. Do the benefits of this outweigh the problems?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Model Essay

That the globalisation is gaining increasing momentum starts to exert a subtle impact on the world languages. Evidently, the growing transnational business communication and cultural exchange demands a new language to be created. Though efforts to promote an international language had been severely thwarted previously – in the case of Esperanto, the emergence of a new language for global communication is still staunchly supported by the majority.

Linguistic scientists and experts have already publicly conceded the seemingly insurmountable obstacles in either human or machine translation. This could largely be attributed to the intrinsic cultural aspects rooted in each language, which are, more often than not, “conveniently” overlooked or neglected in the translation process, frequently amounting to eventual communication breakdown. Besides, the tones and stresses with which sentences are expressed are crucial verbal elements in delivery of meanings intended by the speaker as well. Sometimes, a particular sentence could be interpreted in different ways if the elements constituting the speech are varied even slightly. Therefore, we could tentatively conclude that translation from one language to another might not appear to be the best solution to resolve the problems arising from international communication.

A new language designed to fulftl similar purposes is required. Some professionals are looking for alternative solutions and set their sight on English. Unsurprisingly, English has risen to predominance and been widely accepted by the general population as the main language medium for occasions like business conference, chatting, owing much to the unsuccessful endeavour to popularise Esperanto. However, one of the direct ethical issues that need to be addressed would have been the elimination of a plethora of minority languages, as people from around the globe rushed to pick up a foreign language. In addition, the job of translators and interpreters would also be much simplified as the availability of a new international language could save the troubles of learning many different languages.

Despite of the challenges involved m learning an entirely novel language, it is absolutely a viable and effective approach in modern communication in the long run. What is in store for us in the near future, if universal acceptance of a standard language could be achieved, would be a world of seamless communication transcending barriers of all sorts. (371 words)

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