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Test date: 2006/04

A great amount of wealth

Advantage/ Disadvantage
Work and Life

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic.

Some people say that money can make life easier and more comfortable. But others say that having a great amount of wealth can bring some problems.

What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of having a lot of money?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Model Essay

Ever since the invention of currency, humans have been both enjoying economic benefits and encountering financial problems. From my point of view, money does enable an individual to lead a more decent life; however, in many situations, it is also the origin of envy, stress, conflict and crime.

On one hand, it is undeniable that earning more money ensures higher standards of living. This is especially evident in the shift of the role that women play in the modern society. No longer satisfied with the traditional responsibilities of housewives, many females have entered the workforce by taking up a full-time job. With high and steady double income, couples known as OINKs can readily afford an expensive house and all the luxuries they desire, such as a splendid racing car and a magnificent home theatre. That is the very reason why the accumulation of wealth becomes the single most important goal in many people’s lives.

On the other hand, money is always straining interpersonal relationships and even causing human tragedies. Take an extended family as an example. If one of the siblings is a high-earning careerist and enjoys all the pleasures of life while the others still lead a rather modest existence, that sibling will undoubtedly become the source of envy and the focus of jealousy. Also, when it comes to a massive inheritance upon the death of a parent, domestic conflicts may be intensified by each child trying to get a larger share than the others, sometimes to the point that legal actions are involved to settle the dispute. What is worse, unable to resist the temptations of a high life, some youngsters are lured to commit various crimes in hope of achieving instant wealth.

In conclusion, personal wealth, with all its merits and demerits, can have a double-edged impact on our lives. Therefore, it is suggested that while pursuing wealth to increase their living standards, people should be fully aware of all the pitfalls and unhappiness that are associated with money. (332 word)

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