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Part 1


  • Is it difficult for you to make choices when you shop?
  • Are there many shops near your home?
  • What (sorts of) things do you buy the most?
  • What do you usually go shopping in a shopping mall, or in small, local shops?
  • Do you usually make a shopping list before going shopping?
  • Do you usually compare prices before buying something (= making a purchase)?
  • Do you think expensive items are always better quality than cheaper items?
  • (Similar to above) Do you think expensive products are always better than cheaper ones?
  • (Similar to above) Do you think the price of an item always reflects the quality of that item?
  • When do you usually go shopping?
  • Where do you usually go shopping?
  • When did you last go shopping?
  • Do you ever buy things you see on television?
  • What time of day do you prefer to go shopping?
  • Do you prefer to buy things in big shops, or in small shops?
  • Is there any kind of shopping that you don’t like?
  • Do you prefer to go shopping alone, or with friends?

Your Feelings About Shopping

  • Do you like (going) shopping? (Why?/Why not?)
  • (Similar to above) How do you feel about (going) shopping? 
  • (Similar to above) Do you like to go shopping? (Why?/Why not?)
  • What do you think is the most difficult (or, unpleasant) part about shopping? 
  • Is there anything you don’t like (or, dislike) about shopping? 
  • What don’t you like about shopping? 
  • (Similar to above) What thing(s) do you least like buying?

Your Shopping Habits

  • Do you prefer to buy things yourself or to have your parents buy things for you?
  • Do you often go shopping?
  • (Similar to above) How often do you go shopping?
  • (Similar to above) How often do you buy something (in a shop)?
  • Do you prefer shopping alone or with others?
  • Who do you (usually) go shopping with?
  • Do you prefer to go shopping with family members, or with friends?
  • What do you usually buy when you go shopping?
  • (Similar to above) What do you like buying?
  • (Similar to above) What (kinds of things) do you usually buy when you go shopping?
  • When was the last time you went shopping?  (Include what you bought.)
  • (Similar to above) When did you last go shopping?
  • What did you buy?
  • What was the most recent thing you bought? (Include when)
  • What are the most fashionable things to buy?
  • When do you prefer to go shopping?
  • Do you have a regular time to go shopping?
  • (Similar to above) When do you usually go shopping?
  • (Similar to above) What time of the day do you prefer to go shopping?
  • (Similar to above) When do you think is the best time to go shopping?  (I.e., what day of the week / what time of the day)
  • Which day of the week do you usually go (or, do you like to go) shopping?
  • Do you like to go window-shopping? (Why?/Why not?)
  • When was the last time you went shopping?
  • In what ways do you think people’s present and past shopping habits are different?
  • Would you like to work in a shop?

Shopping for Your Family

  • Who usually does the shopping in your home?
  • (Similar to above) Who does most of the shopping in your family?

Places for Shopping

  • Where do you like to shop?
  • (Similar to above) Where do you usually go shopping?
  • Are there many shops near your home? (What kind?)
  • (Similar to above) What places for shopping are there near your home?
  • What type(s) of shop do you prefer to go to? (Why?)
  • (Similar to above) What kind of shops do you most like?
  • Do you enjoy shopping in big shopping malls (big shopping centres)?
  • Do you prefer to buy things in big shops, or in small shops?
  • (Similar to above) Do you prefer shopping in small shops, or big supermarkets and department stores? (Why?)
  • (Similar to above) What are the pros and cons of buying things in big shops compared to buying things in small shops?
  • What do you buy in big shopping centres?
  • Would you say the people who work in those shops (the people who serve you) provide good service?
  • (Similar to above) Do these shops provide good service?
  • Do you think it’s good that there are more and more big shops nowadays?
  • What type(s) of shop would you recommend a visitor to your country go to? (Why?)
  • (Similar to above) What places for shopping in your hometown would you recommend to foreigners (or, recommend to visitors to your hometown)?

 Internet Shopping

  • Do you like shopping for clothes or other goods on the internet?
  • What do you think are the advantages of buying things on the internet?
  • Do you think there are there any disadvantages (or dangers) from buying on the internet? (What?)
  • Would you say the things you buy (or, can buy) on the internet are good quality?
  • How can someone judge the quality of goods for sale on the internet?

Changes in Shopping in your country

  • How do you think shopping has changed in your country since you were born?
  • (Similar to above) In your country, how has shopping changed in the past few decades?
  • (Similar to above) In your hometown, what has been the biggest change in shopping in the past few years?
  • Have any (new) shops recently opened near where you live? (If yes, what?)

People’s Shopping Habits

  • Do you think people spend too much time (or money) on shopping? (Why?/Why not?)
  • (Similar to above) Do you think that some people spend too much time or money on shopping?
  • Why do you think they do that?
  • What kinds of people spend an excessive amount of time or money on shopping?
  • Why do you think (some) young people like shopping so much?
  • What are some differences between men and women and shopping?

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