- What do you need to remember in your daily life?
- How do you remember important things?
- Why do some people have good memory while others just don’t?
- Why do more people rely on cellphones to memorize things?
- Are you good at memorizing things?
- Have you ever forgotten something that was important?
- How often do you need to remember something?
- Do you find it easy to remember things?
- (Similar to above) Would you say you have a good memory?
- Do you forget things sometimes?
- (Similar to above) Do you remember to do everything that you plan to do in a day?
- What are some things that you sometimes forget?
- Have ever you forgotten anything important to do?
- Do you think (having a good) memory is important?
- How do you memorise things?
- Do you find it to be a good system (or, method)?
- What do you need to remember in your daily life?
- How do you remember important things?