Valid Until: شهریور 10, 1404
Updated on: بهمن 30, 1403
Part 1

Housework and Cooking

  1. Do you usually do any housework?
  2. (Similar to above) Do you often do housework? (If yes, what? How often? If no, why not?)
  3. Do you do some cooking/help your family cook at home?
  4. Did you do some house cleaning when you were young?
  5. Do you have breakfast at home every day? Do you want to learn how to cook well?
  6. Do you think your home is clean and tidy?
  7. Do you feel it’s important to help your parents with the housework?
  8. Do you do much (or, any) housework?  (If yes, what? Why?/Why not?)
  9. Do you like doing housework?
  10. What housework do you like to do?
  11. (Similar to above) What household chore do like the most? (Why?)
  12. Is there any housework you dislike doing?
  13. What’s your least favourite household chore? (Why?)
  14. Who usually does the housework in your home?
  15. (Similar to above) In your home, who does (most of) the housework?
  16. Do you like to do housework? (Why?/Why not?)
  17. What housework do you least like doing? (Why?)
  18. When you were a child, did you ever do any housework?
  19. What housework did you do when you were a child?
  20. Do you think children should (learn to) do housework? (Why?/Why not?)
  21. Do you think it’s important for children to do some housework?
  22. (Similar to above) Do you think children should lend a hand around the home? (Why?/Why not?)
  23. (Similar to above) Do you think it’s important for children to do housework?
  24. (Similar to above) Do you think it’s important for young people to help do the family housework?
  25. (Similar to above) Do you think it’s necessary (or, a good idea) for children to do some housework? (Why?/Why not?)
  26. (Similar to above) Do you think children should (be taught how to) help with the housework in the family? (= “to help around the house”)
  27. If a child helps do some of the family housework, how do you think this affects the child’s development?
  28. (Similar to above) What benefits do you think children would gain from doing that?
  29. What do you do to help the family?
  30. Have there been any changes in the housework people do since the time when your parents were your age?
  31. Do people in your country do much housework?
  32. Do you think people should be paid to do household chores?
  33. Do people in your country have much time to do housework?
  34. (Similar to above) How much time do people in your country spend doing housework?
  35. (Similar to above) Do you feel people in your country have enough time to do housework?
  36. Do you think people like doing housework their own housework?



Some Vocabulary

  • washing the dishes
  • sweeping the floor
  • mopping the floor
  • making the beds
  • preparing meals
  • washing vegetables
  • cooking
  • setting the table (for a meal)
  • ironing
  • dusting
  • taking out the garbage
  • doing the laundry (washing clothes)
  • tidying up / putting things where they belong
  • shopping for groceries and other household supplies
  • cleaning:

–         cleaning the kitchen

–         cleaning the stove

–         cleaning the refrigerator

–         cleaning the bathroom

–         cleaning the toilet

–         cleaning the walls

–         washing the windows

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