Valid Until: اردیبهشت 11, 1404
Updated on: دی 18, 1403
Part 1

Evening time

  1. Do you like the morning or evening?
  2. What do you usually do in the evening?
  3. What did you do in the evening when you were little? Why?
  4. Are there any differences between what you do in the evening now and what you did in the past?
  5. Do you spend your evenings doing the same things on both weekends and weekdays? Why?

Questions from the past:

  • What do you (like to) do in the evenings?
  • (Similar to above) What do you usually do in the evenings?
  • (Possible question) What did you do yesterday evening (or, last night)? *
  • Do you do the same things every night?
  • What do you usually do before you go to bed?
  • What did you generally do in the evenings when you were a child?
  • Is there much (or, any) difference between what you do in the evenings and in the daytime?
  • Do you usually do the same things on week nights and on weekend evenings?
  • What do you usually do on Saturday night?
  • Do you go out much in the evenings?
  • What do you (like to) do when you go out in the evenings?
  • Who do you go out with?
  • (Similar to above) Do you like to go out in the evenings with your friends?
  • (Similar to above) Do you often go out with your friends in the evening?
  • Do you prefer to go out with a large group of friends or just a few friends?
  • When was the last time you went out with your friends? (Include what you did.)
  • What are some special occasions when people go out in the evening?
  • What sorts of night-time activities are available in your hometown?
  • Do people (or, do you) do different things in the evenings in different seasons?
  •  Is there anything you don’t like to do in the evenings?
  • Are you willing to (or, would you like to) work in the evenings?
  • What do you think are some of the good and bad points about working in the evenings?
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