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Part 1

Crowded Places

  • What are the most crowded places in your hometown (or where you are living now)?
  • Do you like (to go to) crowded places?
  • (Similar to above) How do you feel in crowded places?
  • Do you prefer to go to crowded places or places that have few people?
  • When was the last time you went to a crowded place (or, were in a crowded place)?
  • Would you say people with the same interests usually get along with each other when they are in a crowd?
  • Is the city where you live crowded?
  • Is there a crowded place near where you live?
  • Do most people like crowded places?
  • When was the last time you were in a crowded place?

Some vocabulary:

  • “Crowded” refers to many people in one relatively small space. It is not suitable to refer to a road being “crowded with cars”.
  • Places –  A stadium; major train stations; the airport; on a bus or train; some shopping centres; restaurants or shops; cinemas; the stairs at your high school after classes have just finished; in an elevator (a lift), . . .
  • Feelings – Negative: annoyed (e.g. if your clothes are being crushed by other people pressing against you or if you dislike the smell of others), scared, unsafe (e.g., worried about pickpockets or other thieves), worried about safety (e.g., being crushed)
  • Feelings – Positive:  excited, a sense of being part of a group
  • to stand in line = to queue up; long lines
  • “packed in like sardines”
  • cramped
  • to squeeze in
  • full
  • huddled
  • jam-packed
  • loaded
  • packed
  • teeming
  • brimming with
  • close
  • compact
  • crammed
  • packed
  • crushed
  • overflowing
  • stuffed
  • swarming
  • brimful
  • chock-full
  • elbow-to-elbow
  • filled to the rafters (a room)
  • standing room only (in an audience)
  • tight
  • wall-to-wall
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