Valid Until: اردیبهشت 11, 1404
Updated on: دی 18, 1403
Part 1

Books And Reading Habits

  1. Do you read more or less now than when you were younger?
  2. Which do you prefer, reading books or watching movies?
  3. Have you ever read a novel that has been adapted into a film?
  4. Are your reading habits now different than before?
  5. Do you often read books? When?

Questions from the past:

  • Do you like reading? (Why?/Why not?)
  • Do you like reading (books)? (Why?/Why not?)
  • What sorts of things do you usually read?
  • Do you prefer to read books, or magazines?
  • Do you like to read newspapers?
  • What’s the most recent magazine you have read?
  • Is reading books important for you now?
  • (Similar to above) Do you read a lot nowadays?
  • How much time each day do you spend reading?
  • (Similar to above) How often do you read?
  • (Similar to above) How many hours a day would you say you spend on reading?
  • Are you reading any books at the moment?
  • How much reading do you do everyday?
  • When did you learn to read?
  • What (kinds of ) books do you like to read?
  • (Similar to above) What (kinds of ) books do read for enjoyment?
  • (Similar to above) What (kinds of ) books do you (like to) read for pleasure (or, enjoyment)?
  • (Similar to above) What kinds of books (or, what kinds of things) do you usually read?
  • (Similar to above) What kinds of things do you like reading?
  • What types of things (books) do you dislike reading?
  • (Similar to above) Are there any types of book you dislike reading?
  • Where do you usually read?
  • What books have you read recently?
  • What’s the most recent book you’ve read?
  • Do you do much reading at work?
  • Since you started working, have you continued to read as much as you did when you were a student?
  • (Similar to above) When you start working, do you think you’ll spend as much time reading as you do now?

Reading in General (Other People’s Reading Habits)

  • In general, do adults today (in your country) like reading?
  • What reading materials do different kinds of people like?
  • What kinds of books do average (or, typical) adults in your country read?
  • Do you think adults should read more?

Childhood Reading

  • Did you like reading when you were a child? (What did you read then?)
  • (Similar to above) Did you read much in your childhood?
  • What kinds of things (or, books) did you read when you were a child?
  • (Similar to above) What (kinds of) books did you like reading when you were a child?
  • (Similar to above) When you were young, what books (or, what kinds of books) made the greatest impression on you?
  • What reading materials do young people (e.g. aged 15 to 25) like to read?
  • Do (young) children like reading books?
  • (Similar to above) Do Chinese children (aged 4 to 12) (or, young people) today like reading? (Make Guesses: Why?/Why not?)
  • (Similar to above) Do you think children like reading nowadays? (Why?/Why not?)
  • What sorts of things do children like to read?
  • (Similar to above) What sorts of things (or, books) do children (in your country) like to read?
  • Do you think it’s important for children to read?
  • Do you think children today should spend more time reading?
  • What would you say is a suitable amount of time for children to spend reading each day?
  • For children, what are the benefits of reading?
  • (Possible) What do you think are the benefits of reading to children? (= someone else reading while the child listens)
  • Do you think children should learn to read at an earlier age than they do now?

The Importance of Reading

  • What types of people like reading?
  • Why do some people dislike reading?
  • Do you think reading is important? (Why?/Why not?)
  • What is the function of (the purpose of) reading?
  • Would you ever give a book as a gift to one of your friends?
  • Have you ever given a book as a gift to a friend?
  • Do you think a ‘book club’ (where people discuss & exchange books) is a good idea? (Exact wording unclear)


  • Do you like receiving a book as a gift?
  • (Perhaps the above question is this) Would you like to receive a book as a gift?
  • (Perhaps the above question is this) How would you feel if someone gave you a book as a gift?
  • Do you think it’s important to have public libraries?

Do you think the government has a responsibility to provide public libraries for everyone? *

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