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Part 1
هیچ داده ای یافت نشد
1. Do you like paper dictionary or electronic dictionary?

I prefer the paper dictionary. You may say electronic dictionary is much more convenient, easy to use and light-weight. But I find that when I look up the new words in the paper dictionary and write them down on my notebook, I can remember better.

2. How will dictionaries change in the future?

For the paper dictionary, probably much lighter and easy to carry around. While for the electronic dictionary, maybe much more detailed and accurate.

3. What kinds of dictionaries have you used before?

I mainly used the bilingual dictionaries, like Advanced Oxford English-Persian and Persian-English Dictionary or the Longman Dictionary and some electronic dictionaries my teachers recommended. Each has its advantages.

4. How often do you use your dictionary?

I use my dictionary nearly every day. My major is English, so whenever I encounter some words I don' t know, I will look them up either in the paper dictionary or the electronic dictionary.

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