Valid Until:
Updated on: اسفند 23, 1403
Part 1


  1. Have you ever given handmade gifts to others?
  2. Have you ever received a great gift?
  3. What do you consider when choosing a gift?
  4.  Do you think you are good at choosing gifts?
  5. What gift have you received recently?

Gifts and You

  1. Do you ever give people gifts?
  2. Do you often give gifts to people?
  3. Do you ever receive gifts?
  4. Do you like receiving presents?
  5. What was the last gift you received?
  6. When was the last time you received a gift?
  7. (Similar to above) Have your friends ever given you gifts?
  8. What’s your favourite (or, the best) gift you have ever received?
  9. (Similar to above) What’s the most useful gift you have ever received?
  10. Have you ever received a gift that you disliked?
  11. What gift(s) do you (or, did you) like the least?
  12. Do you prefer receiving a gift or giving a gift?
  13. (Similar to above) Which do you think is better, to receive a gift or to give a gift?
  14. What was the last gift you gave someone?
  15. Who did you last give a gift to?
  16. Do you like giving presents to other people? (Why?/Why not?)
  17. (Similar to above) Do you often give presents to other people? (Why?/Why not?)
  18. Do you and your friends or family members give each other gifts?
  19. (Similar to above) Do you often buy gifts for friends or family members?
  20. What sorts of gifts do you give to your family and friends?
  21. What sorts of gifts do you give to your friends?
  22. Do you think it’s easy to choose what to give other people?
  23. When considering a present to give to someone, how do you (or, how do people) select this gift?
  24. Do you think it’s important to give expensive gifts?
  25. Have you ever given someone a gift you made yourself?
  26. Do you think gift-giving is very important?
  27. Do you think it’s difficult to choose what gift to give to people?
  28. Is there anyone you’d like to give a present to?

Gifts and People (in your country) in General

  1. Do people in your country like to (or often) give gifts (to other people)?
  2. What sorts of things do people in your country usually give as gifts?
  3. When do people in your country give gifts? (On what occasions?/In what situations?)
  4. (Similar to above) What are some of the gift-giving customs in your country?
  5. Why do they give these gifts?
  6. In your country, is it necessary to bring a gift when you visit someone?
  7. What sorts of things do they bring?
  8. In your country, is it necessary to bring gifts when you return home after traveling to another place (such as overseas or a different part of your country)?
  9. Do you think it’s ever a good idea to recycle a gift?
  10. Do you think flowers are good gifts?
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