- Have you ever borrowed money from someone else?
- Would you lend money to someone else?
- Do you like to lend things to others?
- How do you feel about others borrowing things from you?
- How do you feel when people don’t return things they borrowed from you?
- Have you ever lent a book to others?
- Have you ever borrowed a book from others?
- To borrow from someone; a loan
- To lend to someone; a loan
- To hire, to rent (borrowing but paying for it)
- To return s’thing borrowed; to pay back (money)
- To owe money to someone
- An IOU; a spoken word commitment to return the borrowed item
- Short-term borrowing (e.g. borrow an eraser in a classroom)
- To share (Does not mean the same as “to borrow”)
- A credit card
- A debt, to be in debt (the b is not pronounced)
- Bankrupt
- To be “over one’s head in debt”.
- Materialism; materialistic, material possessions, personal possessions
- collateral