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Test date: 2018/08

Children’s intelligence and social development

Agree/ Disagree
Education and Learning

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic.

For schoolchildren, their teachers have more influence on their intelligence and social development than their parents.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Model Essay

Both teachers and parents play a significant role in a child’s upbringing. In this essay, I will discuss why I disagree that teachers are a greater influence on the intelligence and social development of children than their parents.

The first few years of a child’s life are spent almost entirely in the company of their parental figures. These  years are critical in the social development of a child, as they contain their first attempts to communicate with other people in order to receive the care and attention necessary for survival. Most school children start their education between the ages of four to seven years. Therefore, they have already experienced a considerable amount of parental influence before teachers are even introduced to them.

Other significant factors in the intelligence and social development of a child are the socioeconomic circumstances that they are brought up in. The quality of a child’s social life, schooling and health are all socioeconomic factors that heavily influence a child. These factors are a direct consequence of the circumstances brought about by the child’s parents. Better teachers will endow a child with greater intelligence and social skills, however, better teachers are, on average, found at better schools. The attendance of a child at a good school is usually the consequence of a decision made by their parents.

I believe that parents are a far greater influence on the intelligence and social development of children than teachers because, firstly, the early developmental years of a child’s life are almost entirely influenced by the company of their parents and, secondly, because the socioeconomic factors of a child’s life are usually a direct consequence of the factors which effect their parents.

(281 words)


• play a significant role in a child’s upbringing
• in the company of somebody
• attempt to do something
• parental influence
• the socioeconomic circumstances
• endow a child with greater intelligence and social skills

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