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Test date: 2006/05

Advantages and disadvantages of international tourism

Advantage/ Disadvantage
Travel and Tourism

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic.

International tourism has become a huge industry in the world. Are the problems that international travelers cause greater than the advantages they bring?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Model Essay

With the general decrease in travelling costs, international travel is becoming more prevalent. For a variety of reasons and with greater frequency, people are travelling to other countries. International visitors bring their own range of behaviours and customs to the countries they visit. I believe the advantages international travelers bring to the countries they choose to visit outweigh the negatives.

Unfortunately, all countries have within them people who exhibit undesirable behaviour. The vociferous minority seem to leave an impression in the minds of people in host countries. Whether it be leaving the hotel room in a complete mess, or loudly arguing about a matter with a local person, international visitors are sometimes a poor advertisement for their countries. This is certainly the negative side of international visitors.

However, the far greater impression international visitors leave is a good one. Typically, international visitors bring with them money which they inject into the local economy they are visiting, which is excellent for business. They can also educate the local people about what life is like in another part of the world. These international travelers are like ‘ambassadors’ for their countries and can cause others to want to visit their countries – this brings with it obvious economic benefits as well. In addition, international visitors can help others to see things from a different perspective and, often, improve on the way things are done.

Problems can arise from international visitors; however, the benefits they bring to the countries they visit are greater. International visitors around the world will continue to impact the countries to which they travel, and it is up to the individual to make sure the example they set is a good one.

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